Dare to Forgive (The Dare 3) - Page 19

“Yes, it was a lot of fun.”

“Good.” He ran his hand along her thigh and then her waist as he leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips. Leo felt his heart racing. She looked so beautiful and he imagined the bikini she wore and how throughout the day he thought about removing it from her body and exploring every inch of her.

Will turned her around so her back was toward Leo as he kissed her.

Leo stepped closer. He hesitated to reach out and touch Adel, afraid to spook her or make her panic. When he finally did and his hands landed gently on her hips, she relaxed. It was as if she waited, anticipated his touch, too.

He leaned forward and kissed her shoulder then as she softened in Will’s arms he explored her body with the palm of his hand. He ran it around her waist and in front of her along her belly then up against her breast. She moaned into Will’s mouth and Will’s hand hit Leo’s on her waist then Will stepped back a little and cupped her breast.

Leo ran his hand along her belly again and then lower. He inched his fingers toward where he really wanted to explore and waited for her reaction. Would Adel let him explore her pussy, or was this too much too soon?

“You have an incredible body, baby. This bikini is so sexy, just like you,” Leo told her and kissed her neck.

Will deepened the kiss, exploring her mouth and teasing her breast.

“I want to touch you, baby. I want to see how turned on you are having two men kissing you, touching you, and exploring what will be ours soon enough.”

He waited for some rejection but instead she pressed closer to Will and then tilted her ass back, giving him room in the front. Leo took it as a sign to advance his fingers lower, and lower he went.

* * * *

Adel didn’t know what came over her, but she was entirely too turned on to not let this go a little farther. She wouldn’t sleep with them. She wouldn’t do that for quite some time, she couldn’t, but the way Will and Leo made her feel was overwhelming. They worked in sync. Will manipulated her breast and nipple as he explored her mouth with his tongue.

The feel of Leo’s large, heavy hand caressing over her curves and dipping into her bikini bottoms had her tilting back.

“Oh yeah, open for me, Adel. Show me how badly you want me to stroke your pussy,” he whispered and licked her neck then nibbled on a sensitive spot. She moaned and Will released her lips just as Leo pressed a thick, hard finger up into her cunt.

“Oh God. Oh, Leo,” she moaned.

“Sweet Jesus you’re wet, baby. We’re turning you on. You feel it, too, don’t you, sweetheart?” Leo asked her and she nodded her head.

“That’s good, Adel. We want you to feel safe and comfortable with us. We want to bring you pleasure,” Will told her and then lifted her top and explored her breast with his mouth.

She moaned louder as Leo began to stroke faster and then pull out and add a second digit. She was so aroused, so wet and needy she rode his finger. She rocked her hips and let go and just got lost in how perfect they made her feel touching her together.

“Oh God. Oh my,” she said, surprised at how good it felt and how stimulated she was.

Will released her breast and then kissed along her belly then to the top of her mound.

“I want to taste you, Adel.”

“Oh.” She moaned and felt her pussy release some more cream.

“You want that? You’ll let my brother and I taste your sweet cream?” Leo asked.

“This is too much.”

Leo thrust deeper. “Never too much. You’re going to belong to us,” Leo stated firmly as Will pressed her bikini bottoms down and Leo sat down on the edge of the bed, causing her legs to part.

Will adjusted them to his liking over Leo’s thick hard thighs.

“Just like this, baby. Wide open so I can see what Leo is doing to your pretty wet cunt.”

She jerked forward and moaned again.

“I’m going in, bro,” Will said and she watched Leo’s fingers leave her cunt and then Will leaned forward and licked her pussy lips. He plunged his tongue in deep and then thrust it in and out of her pussy.

She moaned and shook as Leo licked one wet digit and held her gaze. “Delicious,” he said and she gushed more cream.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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