Dare to Forgive (The Dare 3) - Page 28

“Adel, I would like you to meet my bosses, JT and JR Morrison. This is Adel McKinley. She’s the personal assistant for Hank and his brothers.

She smiled as she shook their hands hello. They were strikingly handsome men. Tall, dark, and eyes the deepest blue she had ever seen.

“Such a pleasure to meet you, Adel. Are Hank, Will, and Leo here, too?” JT asked, looking around. She took a peek over her shoulder and saw Hank still speaking with the women and appearing quite enthralled in the conversation.

“He’s right over there near your mom. I just met her a short time ago. This is quite the fundraising event.”

“Yes it is,” JR said to her then Credence stopped the waiter walking around with champagne. He offered her some and she accepted the glass from him as Credence passed them around.

“Have you worked for the Ferguson brothers long?” JT asked her as his eyes zeroed in on her breasts then her lips and eyes.

“A little over a year.” She felt a little uncomfortable standing here with three men she didn’t know and each so good-looking and charismatic, but her date was not coming back so quickly so she might as well find out who these men were.

The longer they talked the more she realized that they were very nice men and very professional. They took pride in the family business so she pointed out how Ferguson construction was a family business and how she was friends with Harold and he got her the job with the company.

“How is it working for those three? I hear that Hank went through a handful of personal assistants,” Credence said and she wondered if he were trying to steer her clear of getting into a personal relationship with Hank. He seemed to have a bit of an attitude when it came to Hank. Maybe he was just jealous.

“She must be amazing because she’s lasted the longest,” JR added before she could respond.

“He’s a hard one to work with from what I’ve heard. Not very personable,” Credence added, and JT and JR mumbled a reply that seemed unsure.

“From what I’ve learned over the year working for Hank is that he takes the business and his family’s well-being as priority and his responsibility. That being said, there’s a lot of pressure when you’re the one taking the hits, the negatives and positives as the fall guy. You gentleman probably understand that and feel that way sometimes, too, considering this was your father’s company. It’s something to be proud of, and I think Hank has accomplished that. With the help of Leo and Will of course, but that’s just my observation as a personal assistant,” she said then took a sip of champagne.

“Hello, JT, JR. Thank you, Credence, for keeping Adel company while I was held up,” Hank said, joining them and keeping a hand at Adel’s lower back. The men smiled.

“Are you kidding? The pleasure was all ours. Adel was just talking about the company and her position there. I’d say she’s a good one to hold on to,” JT said to him.

Hank smiled and Adel wondered if he would be angry that she spoke about the company and him.

“Yeah, don’t go making her angry and firing her. We’ve heard personal assistants don’t last long around you,” Credence teased.

“Well if he were foolish enough to do so, which I’m certain he isn’t, Credence, then I’d hire her on the spot. It’s not easy finding hardworking employees who are loyal to their bosses and the business,” JR added and winked at Adel.

She smiled and lowered her eyes.

“On another business note, how is the estimate and bid coming along for the job in Langley? I hope you’ll make the deadline in time,” JR asked.

“We’ve been diligently working on it. My brothers and I want to make sure that we have everything correct. Adel’s been a huge help,” Hank said and nudged her shoulder. It was supposed to be brotherly but it felt completely arousing to her.

“Well, Adel, if you have any questions before the final submission you call me directly. I’d be happy to answer any questions you have or even meet up,” Credence said as he held her gaze. She knew as well as the other men in the circle what Credence was doing. Hitting on her and trying to get a rile out of Hank. She needed to make sure Hank knew Credence’s game. She hugged Hank’s arm and felt the tension in it.

“I doubt that would be necessary, Credence. After all, as I was saying earlier, Hank and his brothers are very thorou

gh and cover all their bases, but I’ll keep your offer in mind.”

Credence nodded his head. Hank’s body tightened even more.

The men excused themselves and Hank took her hand and walked her toward the large banquet tables adorned with food and ice sculptures. There were different types of imported cheese and fruits as well as carved meats, fresh breads, and an array of desserts. Along the wall were coffee and latte stations, cordials, after-dinner drinks of all kinds and a wide variety of other desserts.

“This is impressive,” she whispered to Hank. His fingers gripped her hand tighter. She looked up, locking gazes with his deep blue eyes as he licked his lower lip and stared at her deeply.

“You’re way more appetizing then anything here. Anything I’ve ever come across.”

She swallowed slowly.

“That’s quite the line, Hank,” she replied, feeling on the defensive and completely knocked off balance by him. His words, those eyes, and that deep, intense stare of his did a number on her body. She went to move and he gripped her hips as he pressed up against her back.

He whispered into her ear, “That wasn’t a line. It was the truth.”

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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