Dare to Forgive (The Dare 3) - Page 29

“Are you sure you didn’t use it earlier on the women swarming around you?” she asked, letting the fact that she felt jealous earlier out in the open.

“Not a chance. Perhaps you were laying your own lines down on the Morrisons and Credence, considering all three of them couldn’t take their eyes off of you.” He gripped her hips tighter and her whole body was on fire.

“Maybe we should eat something before we head out. Come on. I want to be alone with you,” he whispered then kissed her ear.

She was shaking she was so aroused and excited about being alone with Hank. The chemistry was definitely there, and also the possessiveness.

He guided her along the way, each of them taking a few things to eat. They found a spot to sit by a small table and enjoyed some of the food, but when he brushed a thumb along her lower lip, claiming she had something there right before he kissed it away, she knew they needed to go, or her legs might not hold her up. She felt needy.

* * * *

Hank tried to slow his pace as they exited the affair that was way too crowded. He just wanted to get Adel into the dark parking lot by his car. He wanted to kiss her, touch her, hold her in his arms and relish in the fact that she was going home with him and not some other man wanting her at this party. She was stunning, smart, and loyal.

“Ah, hell, baby,” he said as they got to the Ranger Rover parked in the dark. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her deeply. The feel of her delicate hands rubbing along his back as he devoured her moans excited him more. He gripped her thigh and brought it up high against his thigh.

He released her lips, nibbling along her jaw and then her neck.

“You’re so beautiful, Adel,” he told her, his cock hard beneath his dress pants, his breathing growing rapider by the second. He wanted her. He wanted to lift her dress, rip off her panties, and fuck her so hard, so deep he got lost in her perfection.

He tore his mouth away from her as he battled against what was right and what needed to be done. He couldn’t treat her like all the other women he had met in his life. She was different. She was sweet, pure, perfect, and his brothers were right, Adel would complete them.

He stepped back and gripped her arm.

“Get in the car.” She slid onto the seat and she looked at him with those sweet, doe eyes and he nearly faltered. He couldn’t take her like this and without his brothers. What happened tonight just solidified the fact that she was going to be theirs. All of theirs.

He got into the driver’s side.


“No questions. Give me a minute. There’s too much in my head,” he said and she turned away. He felt like a dick but he was losing his mind. It was like he was worthless, a mean son of a bitch all this time, and she was too good for him. Wasn’t that crazy? He was the one that turned every woman away and claimed they weren’t good enough for him. They were nothing in comparison to Adel. She was perfect.

As he sped down the roadway he felt her hand touch his leg. He tensed up.

“Hank, what’s wrong? What did I do that you’re angry with me?”

He didn’t respond right away.

“I didn’t like you flirting with Credence or with the Morrisons.”

“I wasn’t flirting with them. They asked me questions, and I responded.”

“That’s not what it looked like,” he replied.

He drove a little faster.

“Besides, I could say the same about you. You left me with Credence. You remained over at the tables with those women. They were touching your arm and hugging you and you did nothing to keep them off. Credence, JT, and JR didn’t touch me,” she replied.

“He had his hand on your lower back.”

“She was hugging, hugging your arm. Big difference,” she replied and he gripped the steering wheel tighter.

It wasn’t until he got to the main entrance of his house, the one he shared with Will and Leo, that he realized he was taking her home.

She didn’t seem to notice until the car came to a complete stop. He usually parked in the garage, but instead he parked right outside of the front entrance to their home.

“For the record, I didn’t like them doing that to me but I couldn’t exactly push them off. It could be misconstrued as being handsy.” He opened the car door then slammed it closed. Before he made it around the passenger side she was out of the car.

“That is such a lame excuse. I’ve heard it all, Hank. I get what tonight was about. It was about schmoozing the Morrisons and winning over Credence, the project manager. Would it have helped seal the deal if I slept with him?” she asked.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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