Dare to Forgive (The Dare 3) - Page 38

The week had passed and there wasn’t any return feedback about the business proposal. As Adel set some papers onto Leo’s desk in his office she heard the door close and then the lock click. Turning around she gripped the desk as she laid eyes on Leo. His gaze was intense, his eyes roamed over her body, and in a flash he was right in front of her, pulling her into his arms and kissing her deeply.

She felt it, too. That intense need to have one of her men inside of her. She felt obsessed and tried to hide her feelings from them. She didn’t want the men to think she was some psycho woman who would latch on and need them constantly. That would be clingy, annoying, and totally not normal.

She felt Leo lift the hem of her dress and his fingers curled under the material of her panties, finding her pussy before he plunged his fingers deeply into her. She gasped, pulling her mouth from his as she held onto his shoulders.

“I need you. Walking around in this sexy purple dress and watching the material flap against your thighs as you walk past my office was torture.” He nipped her neck and licked a pathway down to her breasts. His fingers pumped harder, deeper, faster.

She gripped his shoulders as he spread her legs when her ass landed on his hard desk.

“Leo, please, we can’t do this here. It’s unprofessional.”

He pulled from her neck and stared into her eyes.

“Unprofessional? You want to know what’s unprofessional? The fact that all I can think about is listening to your sweet, kind voice as you talk on the phone, watch you and that sincere, intense expression on your face as you type on your computer, and know that I can’t sink my cock balls deep into your pussy or in your ass because I’m at work and trying to be professional. Fuck professional.” He unzipped his pants and she felt his erection. His words, his intensity had her pushing down her own panties as he lowered his pants and lifted her hips then thrust his hard, thick cock into her pussy. She held onto his shoulders as he rocked back and forth and gripped her ass and hips so tight she knew he would leave marks but she didn’t care. She thrust back and clenched her teeth to stop herself from screaming his name.

The desk didn’t make a sound. The heavy, thick oak handled Leo’s thrusts.

She felt her body tighten. This was so naughty, so risky and knowing that employees were right outside the door and down the hallway and that his brother Hank was probably wondering why she hadn’t come back to take notes in his office, all aroused her as she came hard, shaking and gasping for breath.

“I love you. I hope that doesn’t scare you. I love you,” he said as he came inside of her, shocking her speechless.

He kissed her deeply then reached to the side for tissues.

He chuckled.

“It’s all I have,” he said as he slowly pulled from her body.

His cock slid out and she felt the loss. She had it so bad. In fact, as she cleaned herself up with his assistance and they fixed their clothes, she thought about visiting Will and Hank next. It came natural. She couldn’t have one of them and not the other two as well.

She chuckled and felt Leo’s hands slide along her dress over her ass and fix the material.

“What were you just thinking about?” he asked as he fixed his dress shirt and she helped him with his pants.

“Visiting Will and Hank’s office next,” she said.

His eyes darkened and a sinful smile formed on his lips.

“So glad you said that. Hank is expecting you. Then Will.” He turned her around, gave her ass a spank, and on trembling legs she headed out of the office.

There wasn’t a soul in sight. It was too good to be true. With her luck someone would come by looking for her then knock on Hank’s door.

She took a sip of her water bottle and felt her nipples harden. The buzzer on her desk went off and she jumped.

“Adel, in my office now,” Hank told her.

“Yes, sir,” she replied all efficientlike. She glanced around. Still no one was in sight.

She headed to his door, knocked, and entered.

There Hank stood in front of his desk, arms crossed, a determined angry expression on his face and she paused.

“Yes, sir, you needed me?” she asked, the words doing a number to her cunt and her legs.

“Close the door.” She reached back and closed it.

“Where were you? I asked you to come in here fifteen minutes ago.”

“Leo needed me.”

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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