Dare to Forgive (The Dare 3) - Page 39

She couldn’t believe how turned on she was right now.

“Well I need you, too. Come here,” he said and as she approached he stood his ground and didn’t move. He didn’t uncross his arms as he took in the sight of her.

“Closer,” he told her, making her shiver with desire as she stepped right up to him.

He looked her over.

“You look a little flushed. What exactly did Leo need you for?” he asked.

She lowered her eyes.

“Look at me.” She snapped her head back up, surprised by his tone and authority but also turned on by it.

“What did he need from you?”

She was so aroused. She was shocked by the words that came into her head.

“I expect the truth. Remember when I said to you if I ask you a question then I want an answer?”

“Yes, sir.”

His eyes widened and he uncrossed his arms but instead of putting his hands on her like she hoped, he gripped the desk.

“What did he want from you? The truth.”

“My body,” she whispered and he clenched his teeth. She could see his cheek ca

ve in a little.

He looked her over again.

“Which part of your body?”

Oh brother.

She took an uneasy breath and then wondered if she could say the words.

“Are you hiding something from me? Do you need that ass spanked?”

She panicked, knowing that a spanking from Hank would send her over the edge. Her pussy leaked and she tightened her thighs together.

“He wanted my pussy.”

Hank gave a small smirk.

“That’s interesting, because that’s what I want from you, too.”

He snagged an arm around her waist, pulled her close, and kissed her. In a flash his hands were lifting the bottom of her dress and shoving them to her waist. He pressed her panties down and cool air collided with her pussy. She moaned into his mouth as she cupped his balls against his dress pants and he released her lips. “Feeling a bit frisky huh?” he asked and then nipped her neck.

She moaned and then he pulled back, turned her around, and pressed her body over the desk.

“I thought about fucking you over this desk for months. That you would come in here with your sweet voice calling me sir, serving me coffee, and then serving me this sweet, wet cunt.” He thrust fingers into her pussy from behind as she gripped the desk. Something came over her as she lifted up and shoved back.

“I thought about that, too. You ordering me to lay here while you had your way with me.”

“Sounds like we all had the same idea.”

Adel was shocked to hear Will’s voice, but Hank didn’t seem shocked at all as he undid his pants, pushed them down, and spread her thighs.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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