Dare to Forgive (The Dare 3) - Page 45

She grabbed her cell phone and called Mercedes.

“Adel, is everything okay? Where are you, it’s late.”

“I need help, Mercedes. Get to my cottage. Come alone. Please.”

* * * *

“Did you find out anything?” Hank asked Will as Will stood by his office window and looked out at the evening sky. Adel had left to visit family for a few days, and they weren’t happy about not seeing her. It was Monday morning and she should have been back last night. They hadn’t heard a word and Hank was concerned. Plus Hank was acting funny. Leo walked in next.

“I haven’t heard a word from Adel. What the hell is going on?” Leo asked.

Will turned toward them.

“I don’t know how to say this but I think we’ve been had,” Will said and Hank could see the anger in Will’s eyes and the disbelief. He instantly felt on edge. He loved his brothers and he would do anything for them.

“What do you mean?” Leo asked, walking toward his desk.

“Look at this,” Will said and turned the laptop toward them.

“I just got confirmation from Alex on everything there. She’s working against us,” Will told them.

Hank took a look and he read the name of the company and the owner and co-owners of Ross Mc K Construction.

“It’s her. She’s Rick McKinley’s daughter. Rick is part owner with Bentley Ross, hence Ross Mc K Construction. Alex pulled her phone records. Adel’s been getting numerous calls from this Ross guy’s personal cell phone. She probably headed that way this weekend to celebrate pulling one over on us and sealing the deal on the bid for the Morrison project.” Will raised his voice and slammed his fist down on the desk.

Hank felt sick. He didn’t want to believe this was true. There had to be an explanation.

“She never lied about her name being McKinley,” Leo said to them as he pulled out his cell phone.

“Who are you calling?”

“Adel,” Leo said.

“No, don’t call her and let on that we know she’s scamming us. She wants to play this game, fuck with our hearts and pretend that it’s only her taking a chance on this relationship, no,” Will said and Hank couldn’t even respond. He was so hurt. He just couldn’t believe that this was real.

“But she tried so hard to help us with the proposal. Her ideas were amazing and right on. Cadence even complimented her organization skills,” Leo added.

“Yeah, as she took pictures of our ideas and probably forwarded them to this Ross guy and her father. Why would she need a job when her dad owned this construction business? They’re not even hands-on, they’re like middle men that subcontract out. It’s screwed up, and we fell for her innocent story.”

“But, Will, Dad was the one that hired her. He said he knew her family?” Leo pointed out.

“Call him right now. Call Dad and demand an explanation. Something is definitely not adding up here,” Hank stated and Will pulled out his cell phone to call their dad, Harold.

* * * *

“You can’t hide out forever, Adel, besides, I think you need to see a doctor,” Mercedes told her as she got more ice for her lip and cheek.”

“I can’t go back to the construction company. Bentley will go after Will, Hank, and Leo, maybe even Harold. I can’t let him hurt them because of me.”

“Are you out of your mind? The man tried to rape you. My God, Adel, you’re still bleeding and bruised up. He could have kept you prisoner, hell, killed you. You need to go to the police.”

She shook her head and Mercedes slammed her hand down on the table.

“I’m calling Max. I know he’s the sheriff but he knows people. I’ve overheard some of the down-low situations he’s helped out in. You need to trust me on this.”

Adel closed her eyes. She was in so much pain she ached everywhere.

“Listen, I’ve already taken the pictures of your injuries. He won’t make you go to the hospital and have them do it. Let me call him.”

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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