Dare to Forgive (The Dare 3) - Page 46


Adel felt the tears roll down her cheeks.

“I don’t want Leo, Will, and Hank to know. Please, Mercedes. No one can see me like this.”

Mercedes squeezed Adel’s hand then pulled out her cell phone.

* * * *

Max was trying to rein in his temper. Beautiful, sweet Adel was a mess, a victim of an attempted rape and assault and she fought her attacker then drove over an hour home with these injuries.

“I took pictures so there’s no need to do that, but Adel doesn’t want to press charges because of what she explained to you, Max,” Mercedes told him.

He was trying to process the entire situation and Adel explained her thoughts and what she wanted to do to ensure that Ferguson construction didn’t suffer and that they got the job with the Morrisons.

“Somehow, Adel, I don’t think Will, Hank, and Leo are going to give a shit about some fucking job. You’re their woman, their responsibility, and they’re going to need to see you and know where you are.”

“No, Max, I can’t let them see me like this. I can’t be with them anymore. He’ll go after them and destroy their business.”

“He made those threats and by telling me I can do what I can to assist you. I’ve dealt with men like this before, Adel. It’s not going to be done exactly by the law, but this son of a bitch isn’t playing by the rules.”

“I just don’t want the construction company to go under because of me.”

“What else can you tell me about this guy Bentley Ross?”

Adel explained everything she knew and why she left her family and moved out here to Chance. With each detail, Max could tell she was a fighter and that she really did lose her faith in people and in men. Will, Hank, and Leo would have to really work on gaining Adel’s trust and be gentle with her. Letting them know about what happened to her and then telling them she didn’t want to see them.

“I think we should call Dr. Anders and ask him to look you over, honey. Just as precaution,” Max said and Adel looked at Mercedes.

“It will be okay, honey. I’m worried and I’ll feel a lot better if I know that you don’t need to be in a hospital.”

Max was relieved as she nodded her head. He looked away. The fact that she was beaten and curled up on the couch looking so defeated pissed him off. He was going to help this young woman, and he was going to help his friends Will, Hank, and Leo.

* * * *

“Now calm the hell down. You’ve got it all wrong,” Harold told his sons as he, William, and Ethena met them at the office.

“She lied to us. She’s the daughter of one of the owners of Ross Mc K Construction,” Will stated.

“I know she is. I’m the one that hired her,” Harold told his son.

“You need to explain what’s going on. Something isn’t right. Adel didn’t come back from her trip to see her family,” Hank told his dad. Harold felt his chest tighten and he immediately looked at Will and Ethena.

“You need to tell them, Harold. They love her and have a right to know what that monster of a father did to her. Tell them everything. Adel will get over it,” Ethena said to Harold and he exhaled then began to explain about Adel’s life, how her father sold her out to Bentley Ross and she was engaged to get married.

“Engaged?” Hank asked, looking shocked and suddenly insulted.

“It wasn’t her decision. It was forced on her as part of a deal, but Bentley was abusive and he cheated on her. She took off to save herself when her parents wouldn’t help. The poor woman went through hell. In fact, she went to see them in hopes of settling things with her dad so she could have some closure and move on with her life with you guys.”

“You know this how?” Will asked him. Ethena hugged his arm.

“We talked weeks ago and she mentioned that her mom was hounding her about returning. I told her I didn’t think it was a good idea but I understood her reasoning. She’s got a big heart and she just wanted to give her dad and mom another chance to show her they really loved her. It was Bentley I was most worried about.”

“That guy would be there? He’s still involved with the family?” Leo asked.

“Son, they own the company together. He hasn’t stopped calling her wanting her back. I think since things took a different turn with the four of you she ignored his calls and didn’t respond to him.”

“Great, and she couldn’t share any of this with us?” Will said.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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