Dare to Forgive (The Dare 3) - Page 51

“Fuck that feels so snug. He pussy muscles are squeezing my cock so fucking hard,” Will said and then he pulled on her nipple with tongue and teeth. Her pussy spasmed with cream as he thrust upward harder.

“I’m coming in, baby. We’re going to be one in about two seconds,” Hank said and Will could feel the excitement, the intensity of the moment as Leo breached her ass with his cock and all four of them were connected so intimately.

They lay still momentarily. Will’s cock in her pussy, Leo’s cock in her mouth, and Hank’s cock in her ass. She moaned and wiggled between them and Will chuckled.

“Someone is very needy,” Leo said, caressing her hair.

“I think we all are,” Hank added and then it began. They worked their cocks in and out of her body, knowing with every stroke they claimed her as their woman, part of them forever. Leo came first, growling out her name and shaking as the sounds of Adel swallowing and licking him clean filled the air.

Will’s cock hardened and grew bigger and he knew he was there.

“Come with us, Adel. Come now, baby. You’re safe with us always. We love you,” Hank said to her as he rocked his hips faster, deeper, making her scream. Will and Hank worked together and Will could feel her body tighten just as it felt like he couldn’t move inside her cunt it was so tight and full.

“Fuck!” Hank roared.

“Oh God. Oh!” she cried out as she came and Will followed Hank as they roared and thrust a few more times until they released their seed and she collapsed against Will’s chest.

Hank eased out of her, kissing her back, her shoulders, and then her ass as Will caressed her skin and moved her damp hair from her cheeks.

“We’ve got you, baby. This is where you belong.

“I love you guys. I have for a while but was too scared to tell you and to admit it, but I’m not now. I love you so much. I need you. Please, don’t ever leave me.”

They each caressed her body and told her how much they loved her, too, and that this was only the beginning.

* * * *

Leo was lying in bed in the dark with his brothers and Adel asleep on her small queen-sized bed. He had a funny feeling in his gut and as he listened to the quietness of the night he thought he heard something.

“Hey, you okay,” Hank asked him in a whisper as not to wake Adel and Will. Will still held her against his chest, a small content expression on both their faces.

The sound of glass breaking caught their attention.

They both sat up. Leo placed his finger over his lips and then stepped into his jeans. Hank did the same thing.

“Call Max,” Hank said to him. The footsteps got closer and they looked around the room for a weapon of some sort.

“There,” Leo whispered next to Hank. Hank saw the thick wooden walking stick. It was one that Carpezi Lynch made and sold at the local fairs. It was solid and would have to do as a weapon.

The door began to creep open and Leo pulled it all the way open, shocking Bentley and catching him off guard. He swung his head toward them and then back to the bed. He looked like some crazy man.

Leo’s heart was racing. Bentley, the guy that hurt Adel, the one they saw in the pictures Max showed them, and he was pointing a gun.

“No!” Leo yelled out as he shoved Bentley to the side, giving Hank the opportunity to strike him with the stick.

The gun went off, once, twice as Hank hit Bentley’s hands, making the gun fall to the floor. Leo decked him in the nose and then Hank began to strike him.

Leo could hear Adel screaming as the lights illuminated the room. He had to pull Hank off of Bentley as his brother beat the crap out of the man.

“Oh God, Will’s shot,” Adel screamed and Leo looked up to see the blood on the pillow right above Will’s shoulder.

“I’m okay. It’s just a scratch,” he said, placing his hand over his shoulder.

Leo reached for the cell phone and dialed 911 for an ambulance and asked for the sheriff to be notified about an intruder breaking in.

“Oh my God, Bentley. Is he alive?” she asked as she held onto Leo, placing a shirt over his wound trying to stop the bleeding.

“I fucking hope so,” Hank said and as he stood up, his fists were bloody and cracked open.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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