Dare to Forgive (The Dare 3) - Page 52

“It doesn’t matter. He’s going to jail for a very long time. His lawyers won’t be able to post bail for him this time,” Leo said then reached over and caressed Adel’s tears away from her cheeks.

“It’s going to be fine, Adel, but get some clothes on. We don’t want anyone seeing this body but us,” Hank told her firmly and she hurried off the bed and stepped into her shorts then pulled on a bra and her tank top. She immediately climbed back into bed and went to Will.

“What about you, Will? You’re naked.”

He smirked.

“Let them come in here and see I was making love to my woman. Our woman, and that should send a clear messag

e that you belong to the Ferguson brothers. Now and forever.”

Hank and Leo chuckled but Adel smacked his arm as the sirens blared from outside and the police arrived.

“Everything is going to be just fine now, Adel. Just fine,” Hank said. Will looked down at Bentley. Only if this guy was behind bars for good.


Adel sat on the bench overlooking the construction site. They’d just broken ground a week ago and plans for the new development and community were on their way.

The Morrisons were thrilled with their proposal, plus they had found out about Bentley’s criminal actions and what he put Adel through and dismissed his bid entirely, not that it mattered anyway. Bentley was charged with multiple counts of rape, plus four counts of attempted murder and one count of murder. He was going away for life and they would never have to worry about him.

“There you are. We were looking for you,” Will said as he, Leo, and Hank joined her by the bench. She stood up and caressed Will’s shoulder where he had been shot. He was being quite the character and playing up the whole bullet wound scar and how cool it was. She got mad at him a few times for saying it was cool, but she had to admit the scar was sexy.

“Are you ready to head to lunch?” Hank asked, taking her hand and pulling it to his lips, kissing the knuckles.”

“Sure. I just like sitting here and imagining what this place will look like in three years. There’s a lot of work ahead of us.”

“There sure is but we’re in this together,” Leo told her and she smiled. They had insisted on offering her part ownership in Fergusons construction. Their dad Harold decided to sell her half his shares in the company, making her a partner.

“Oh, we got something for you, to make this whole partnership thing official,” Leo told her and then pulled out a small black velvet box.

“What is it? You didn’t have to give me anything,” she said.

Will caressed her cheek and then slid his hand onto her shoulder, squeezing it. She placed her hand over his hand and smiled. “We wanted to.”

“We hope you like it. Hank said you had something similar but it wasn’t quite right for you,” Leo said and she opened up the box.

Her eyes filled with tears and she covered her mouth to hide the joy, the emotions that filled her. It was a small gold heart covered in diamonds. Real gold and real diamonds, like the fake one she had and wore the night of the dinner, except this was the real thing. It sparkled in the sunlight. The diamonds surrounding the gold heart were gorgeous. She looked up at Hank.

“How did you know?” she asked and then Hank reached out and touched the fake gold heart and diamond pendant she wore right now. She had forgotten she had it on. It was her only piece of jewelry.

Leo reached around and unclipped it from her neck.

Will put on the real one.

“This is the kind of jewelry you deserve. Ones made for a princess, a beautiful, loving woman who has made the three of us happy and complete,” Hank said then kissed her.

She hugged him tight and held onto him as she looked at Will and Leo, who smiled wide and caressed her back.

She took a chance, a dare to forgive and to open up her heart and love again because of these three men. They were a part of her now and always would be. She never knew what love really was until she met Will, Hank, and Leo. Now that she found love, and felt its power and abilities, she would never let them go.


Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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