Town of Chance: Attacking Innocence (The Dare 8) - Page 11

“Salvatore.” Finn stopped him from continuing.

“Finn, I know we said we didn’t want to tell them about her and what she went through, but maybe that was a mistake. If we did then Antonio wouldn’t be being such a prick right now and so distrustful and confrontational,” Salvatore said.

“What do you mean, felt safe enough? What happened to her?” Billy asked. Finn stared at his younger brother.

“She was part of the case we were working on with Tazer, Lynch, Burker, and Parker. The one where Eliza Grace was abducted,” Finn told him.

Billy’s eyes widened.

“Oh shit. She was the friend who was taken and nearly raped? The one used as a decoy to pull the search away from Eliza Grace?” he asked.

Finn squinted his eyes at him.

“How the hell did you know about that?”

“Tazer and Lynch were in here one night with some friends and they mentioned that case and asked about the other woman. I heard some of the details, and that the woman was still recovering.”

“Yeah, well, it was Missy Ann,” Salvatore told him and then he explained what happened. What they walked into and how close they came to being too late.

“Jesus, the poor thing. No wonder she hasn’t accepted any jobs. She probably doesn’t feel safe, especially not having someone around she knows and trusts,” Billy said.

“Exactly. But I’m confident the right job will come along,” Salvatore said.

“Maybe it’s something we could help with,” Billy said.

“What do you mean?” Salvatore asked.

“Well, we’re looking for managers to help get the restaurant and marina next door up and running. The plan is for me to head that project along with Antonio, as he likes to be hands on, and our other main managers run this place. We’ll need a head manager at the new restaurant as well as two assistant managers. We could use someone with the experience Missy Ann described. Plus maybe she would feel more comfortable working alongside me. It would be a great way to get to know her, too.”

“You would do that?” Finn asked him.

“She’s a beautiful young woman, and seems very sweet. I’d like to get to know her better.”

Finn looked at Salvatore. “What about Antonio?” Finn asked.

“He’ll come around. Once he sees she isn’t after the family fortune, he’ll be a positive influence,” Billy said to them.

“She’s nothing like Sophia. Believe me,” Salvatore told him.

Billy nodded. “I’m sure she isn’t. You of all people wouldn’t be taking this chance if she was anything remotely close.”

“Well, let’s run it by her and see,” Salvatore said to him.

“What’s taking her so long anyway?” Finn asked and then stood up, feeling concerned.

“I’m going to go check on her and see if I can convince her to stay a little longer.”

* * * *

Antonio watched Missy Ann as she stood by the railing on the dock. He couldn’t believe he was feeling this way. He liked her. She was sweet, gorgeous with her long straight blonde hair and baby blue eyes. Her conservative attire wasn’t his type at all, but then again what was his type? He thought it had been Sophia. Young, gorgeous, sexy figure and stylish attire all the time. He hadn’t realized her love of designer clothing was the beginning stages of her greed for more and more. It pissed him off that every woman he met he compared to Sophia.

It was obvious that Missy Ann was the complete opposite. He watched her now for a few minutes and was surprised at how jealous he felt as men checked her out. One came over to talk to her. She seemed timid and shy but then she looked panicked as the guy got in her space.

Something struck him. An instinct, an awareness. He pushed away from the bar and approached. He heard what the guy was saying.

“A gorgeous woman like you shouldn’t be standing all alone. Let me buy you a drink, honey. No need to be lonely.”


Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025