Town of Chance: Attacking Innocence (The Dare 8) - Page 12

p; “Leave me alone. I’m not interested.”

The guy ran his knuckles down her arm and she pulled back and looked scared.

“Take a hike, asshole, she’s taken,” Antonio told the guy and took position in front of Missy Ann. He reached back with one hand in a protective move and then he felt her hands on his waist and her body press closer to him.

“She yours?” the guy asked as if she were an item.

“Yeah, and so is this place. So get the fuck out of here now,” he said to him and the guy looked him over and seemed like he would continue.

“There a problem over here?” Finn asked. The guy looked at him then back at Antonio.

“No,” he said, sounding pissed off and then walked away.

Antonio locked gazes with Finn.

Something was exchanged between them, and when Finn didn’t immediately come closer to take Missy Ann from his hold he felt as if he was giving him the opportunity to care for her. Antonio was shocked. But he was also too insecure and untrusting to take that lead for a woman he hardly knew.

“Missy Ann, are you okay?” Finn asked and Antonio stepped aside, felt her hands move off of him and Finn pulled her close. He cupped her cheek and she stared up into his eyes. Antonio felt the loss and damned himself for feeling insecure. He could be holding her, getting a feel of that body and a closer scent of her enticing perfume. Just a hint of it wafted over his shoulder as he confronted the guy bothering her.

“I’m fine. I want to go home. Now, please,” she whispered and Finn nodded and then pulled her close.

“We’re heading out. I’ll talk to you tomorrow,” Finn said as Salvatore and Billy joined them.

Missy Ann pulled away from Finn and straightened her shoulders. “Thank you for dinner. Your place is lovely and best of luck with the new construction,” she told Antonio and Billy. Billy smiled.

“You sure you can’t stay for dessert, or maybe to get a tour of the construction?” Antonio asked, surprising himself and obviously her as her eyes widened.

“That’s a great idea. I would love to see how it’s all coming along,” Finn said.

“Great. Let’s head over now,” Billy said and Antonio looked at Salvatore. He gave him a wink and whispered a thank you and they headed toward the dock, taking that route to connect to the new location.

* * * *

Missy Ann didn’t really want to go. She felt a bit uncomfortable after that guy touched her and Antonio, who made it obvious that he didn’t care for her, had to intervene. She couldn’t understand how guys felt like they had the right to touch a woman when she said no.

She walked along the boardwalk with the four very large, dominant men. They were men with personalities she feared and was intimidated by. But Finn and Salvatore showed her sides of them that appealed to her. They were empathetic, compassionate and attuned to her fears and her personality. They had been supportive and encouraging.

“So this is going to be the dance floor area and another large tiki bar. We’re going to expand it on this place because we noticed the one at Connelly’s is a bit crowded,” Billy explained. The guys took in the sight of the special by the bar and she noticed the area off onto the water and gazebo that would be perfect for pictures of special parties.

“What do you think?” Billy asked her, approaching from behind. She stared up into his hazel eyes and tightened a bit from his close proximity.

“It’s beautiful. Are you planning on offering catering for parties and things? That spot would make for some lovely photographs,” she said to him and then looked back out toward the gazebo.

She felt his eyes on her and then his hand against her lower back. She was surprised that she didn’t pull away but instead felt the tingling sensations move along her spine.

“Our plan, if the public seems interested, is definitely to host various events and parties. We’ve had some friends in the area already ask about coordinating some events, but we need to hire a manager, a person who is knowledgeable. Here, come take a closer look at this,” he said and took her hand and led her along the ramp to the gazebo.

He pulled out his cell phone and released her hand once they were inside of the gazebo.

“This should work,” he said, pressing buttons on his phone. A moment later the whole gazebo lit up with little white lights. They extended along the path, down by the boardwalk and toward the dance floor.

“Oh wow, that is so cool,” she said and turned around, absorbing the atmosphere.

“This would be a great setting for a lot of lovely things. You could fit a private table out here too and offer special service for a couple to enjoy a romantic evening. That way it isn’t just for parties or for people to hang out on. I assume you wanted this place to be a little more upscale than what Connelly’s is now?” she asked him.

Billy smiled and leaned back against the gazebo, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

“Exactly. We want to get the most out of these features.”

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025