Town of Chance: Attacking Innocence (The Dare 8) - Page 13

“Well, with the right planning and packages you can surely do that. Worst scenario if catering parties doesn’t turn out well you could always set up your band and singers around this gazebo. It’s the perfect spot with a view of the whole restaurant and tiki bar area,” she told him as she looked out toward the restaurant. She noticed Antonio was telling Salvatore and Finn something about the side area to the right of the restaurant.

“Missy Ann?” he said her name and she turned toward him. He uncrossed his arms and looked her over.

“What would you do first if you were manager?” he asked her, surprising her.

“I’m not sure. You and Antonio would have to determine your dreams for this place.”

“Dreams?” he asked, squinting at her.

“Sure. How do you see it? What made you decide to expand on your land and incorporate another restaurant with Connelly’s right next door doing exceptionally well.”

He looked toward the others and then back at her. “I think initially Antonio and I wanted to get more people to come here and enjoy the place. We have a great location, it’s right on the water, and waterfront property is difficult to come across. But ultimately Antonio wanted to expand the monopoly. Make more money, and doing the condominium complex meant adding more food places and shopping for the residents. He decided that there was more money to be made and instead of getting in other business or franchise restaurants he wanted to control it all.”

She thought about that a moment and looked at Antonio talking a mile a minute to his brothers about his plans.

“So money is most important to him?” she asked. She stirred a moment the second Billy touched her hand. He held it, playing with her fingers and looking at them then back up at her. He remained leaning against the side of the gazebo. She felt a little uneasy, unsure, and confused. Was she feeling an attraction to Billy, too?

“He’s not a bad man, Missy Ann. He’s been through some stuff. We all have and instead of pondering over the bad things that went wrong and hurt him, he obsesses over money and making an empire. I think it’s to avoid being vulnerable and feeling any pain.”

She swallowed hard as she held his gaze.

“I guess it’s understandable. I can relate to that but not the money or the power. Just recently I started to feel strong enough, determined enough to not let fear rule my every move. I never had a lot of money. My father taught me what was important in life. Love, trust, compassion can’t be bought. I had taken those things for granted until…several months ago.” She looked away.

“How did you cope with it?” he asked, surprising her. Had Salvatore and Finn told him about what happened to her? Why did that upset her? Is that why maybe Antonio was distrustful? Did he think something badly of her? She felt herself tighten up and begin to breathe a little faster. Billy stood up and ran his hand gently up her arm while his other hand landed on her hip.

“Easy. I didn’t mean to upset you. I had no idea about what happened to you. I don’t even know the details, just the gis

t of it. You’re so brave, Missy Ann. I’m sure every day is a struggle but you’re getting better, right?” he asked and she felt herself begin to calm. He was being caring and understanding. She couldn’t fault him for that.

“I’m still coping with it. All of it? It’s a day to day thing,” she said to him.

He smiled. “You’re a beautiful young woman. You’re strong, too, and smart, I can tell. You’ll get better and better, you’ll see, and working, putting your energy into that instead of pondering over what happened should be positive, right?” he asked her.

“That’s the hope,” she said to him.

He pulled back. “Well, how would you like to interview for the manager job we’re offering here at the new place?”

“What?” she asked him, shocked that he would offer her a job.

“I like your line of thinking. I think we could work well together and pool our ideas. Plus you’re young, have a current grasp on market trends and so forth.”

“You don’t need to do this. Don’t feel sorry for me,” she said as Finn and the others approached.

“Oh honey, this is not feeling sorry for you, this is business. You would be great. As a matter of fact, just to prove my good intentions, you can interview like the others are doing. We’ll give you some scenarios and then you basically give us your ideas.”

“What’s going on?” Finn asked, joining them along with Antonio and Salvatore. Being surrounded by the four extra tall large men was intimidating in itself so being put on the spot in front of them was making her sweat.

“I’m offering Missy Ann an opportunity to interview for the managerial job.”

“Really?” Antonio asked. He looked her over and then crossed his arms in front of his chest. His dark eyes and how he stared at her untrusting made her shiver with concern.

“That would be great. Especially as you get to know our brothers better, we’ll feel better knowing you’re safe with them watching over you while we’re at work,” Salvatore said.

“Yes, this would be great if the interview goes well. You should feel extra comfortable working with our brothers who you can fully trust,” Finn added.

She swallowed hard.

“I need to interview first and to see exactly what your brothers are looking for, Finn,” she said to him.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025