Town of Chance: Attacking Innocence (The Dare 8) - Page 14

Finn smiled and wrapped an arm around her waist. He kissed her neck and she watched his brothers watch him and her. She felt aroused, excited at being on display like this with these four men. That shocked her as she lowered her eyes. “Awesome. Let’s set something up for tomorrow afternoon. Would two o’clock work for you?”

She hesitated a moment until Finn gave her a little squeeze. She held on to his arms over her waist.

“Okay. Two o’clock. But no favoritism because of your brothers. The last thing I want to do is take advantage of your generosity and this opportunity,” she said.

“Absolutely. We’ll be tough on you,” Billy said to her and winked.

“Extra tough,” Antonio added very seriously and she couldn’t tell if he was joking or not.

Then she felt Finn turn her around in his arms and press his palm to her cheek. He stared down into her eyes as his other hand moved along her hip and pulled her closer. “She can handle it,” he whispered and then softly pressed his lips to hers, kissing her.

She was shocked. Not only that he chose now to kiss her for the first time, but in front of his brothers. What did it mean?

As he slowly released her lips he licked his lower one. “I couldn’t resist. I’ve been wanting to do that for months.”

“Really,” she whispered, holding his gaze and momentarily forgetting about the audience behind her.

“Yes,” he said very seriously and she felt his finger gliding along her hip back and forth. It felt so good, so perfect.

“Come on, let’s look around the inside before we head back to Chance,” Finn said and guided her by her hips toward the path. Antonio hardly stepped aside as she brushed by him, feeling an attraction to him as well despite his poor attitude and hang-up about money. She caught the expression on his face and the hard look in his eyes. Was he attracted to her, too, or did he distrust her even more?

Chapter 3

Salvatore waited impatiently for Missy Ann to finish up the interview with his brothers. It was taking forever, but when he saw her being escorted out of the building with Billy smiling and her laughing he felt relieved. This could work out perfectly after all.

He wondered how Antonio treated her. Finn spoke to him about how he and Salvatore met Missy Ann. How they first noticed her at Luther’s and then how she helped identify the men they had been searching for. He explained about her abduction and assault. Finn said that Antonio didn’t give much of a response but his demeanor changed and he seemed to be biting the inside of his cheek.

Salvatore wondered if Antonio would ever get over his broken heart or the way Sophia had manipulated all of them and used them. She cost them money, too, in lawyer fees and medical fees proving that the baby Sophia carried hadn’t been any of theirs. Her accusations of rape deteriorated fast, but not fast enough. When she couldn’t prove that Antonio had raped her, she said she was pregnant. Then it took months to prove how far along she was, and then the birth of a child, a boy, and orders of paternity tests and blood work to show she lied. It all blew up in her face. Their lawyers destroyed the case, her credibility and then found her boyfriend who she had been sleeping with give her up on the lies. He was after their money too and willing to say the baby was Antonio’s, not his. Sophia had been after their fortune and nothing more.

He pushed the thoughts from his head and smiled wide as Missy Ann approached. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her deeply. He had been waiting to kiss her. Thought about doing it since last night but the timing wasn’t right. He decided being spontaneous would maybe help Missy Ann’s reaction. What he hadn’t planned on was the intensity of the kiss, or the way Missy Ann clung to him, and felt in her arms pressed up against him. Her sexy, voluptuous body was snug against his. She felt good, feminine, sexy, and he had a hard time releasing her lips and not exploring her more.

“Damn, I should have done that sooner,” he said to her and she smiled. Her cheeks were pink and her eyes gorgeous as always.

He looked at Billy, who was smiling. “So, what’s the verdict?” he asked and Missy Ann stepped next to him as Salvatore placed his arm over her shoulder, keeping her close.

“We have a new manager starting tomorrow,” Billy said. Salvatore smiled.

“Great. Congratulations,” he said to Missy Ann and then to his brother. “To both of you.” He winked and Billy nodded.

“She did amazing, and I feel very confident that we’ll work well together.”

“And Antonio?”

“He’s the one that hired her.”

Salvatore smiled. “See, he isn’t so scary,” he teased her.

She blushed. “You weren’t in the interview,” she said to him.

Billy chuckled but Salvatore got serious. “Did he scare you?” he asked very seriously.

Her eyes widened and she held on to his arm. “No. No, Salvatore, he was a complete gentleman. Totally all business and I preferred it that way. He’ll be more than satisfied with my performance,” she added.

“We sure will be. So what are your plans for the rest of the day?” Billy asked them.

“Actually I have to drop Missy Ann off at her place. I was called in for a case and need to be there in thirty minutes.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry that you had to wait. I can call Eliza Grace or my dad for a ride back.”

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025