Town of Chance: Attacking Innocence (The Dare 8) - Page 15

“Don’t be silly, I’m here and have plenty of time to get there,” Salvatore said.

“Actually, if Missy Ann doesn’t have plans, this would be a great time to go over some stuff, maybe give some insight on the additional construction?” Billy suggested and Salvatore waited for Missy Ann’s reaction. If she seemed too scared to be left alone with Billy then he wouldn’t allow it yet.

She smiled. “That sounds good. I can call my dad for a ride later on when I’m done,” she told Salvatore.

“I can give you a ride home. It’s not a problem,” Billy added.

Salvatore watched her reaction.

“I wouldn’t want to put you out doing that.”

“Don’t be silly. It would be my pleasure and that way Salvatore can concentrate on the case he’s working on and know that I’m taking care of you and bringing you home,” Billy said.

She looked at Salvatore as if waiting for his reaction or guidance.

“Okay, if you’re sure about this. I’ll call you later to check on you and to make driving arrangements for the rest of the week,” Salvatore said and then pressed a kiss to her lips.

She squeezed his arms. “I have my car. But we’ll talk later,” she said and smiled.

He felt his gut clench. He liked having her depending on him and Finn. But he also wanted her to feel safer, stronger and gain her independence back. It was a mix of emotions he felt as he shook his brother’s hand and then left Missy Ann with Billy. He knew Billy would watch over her and take this time to get to know her, too. This was a step in the right direction. It had to be.

* * * *

Billy guided Missy Ann along the construction and talked about possibilities for the indoor dance area and the location for the wait staff to enter orders and such in the computers. She knew about the new systems used to make things run smoothly. He watched her as she took in the surrounding area, determining what would be the better location for the spot. As she gave him feedback he looked her over. Today she wore a slim fitting business dress in black. It was sleeveless, showing off her toned arms as well as her very voluptuous breasts. The outfit was tight up top but covered her to her neck. She definitely dressed conservatively, hiding her figure and assets.

“What’s going on here?” Antonio asked, joining them. He held a clipboard in his hands and looked a bit frazzled.

“We’re going over some options and finalizing where the wait staff will gather for the orders. We have one spot on the other side near the party room and then this spot over here

. What do you think?” Billy asked him and Missy Ann explained her thoughts when asked.

“Sounds good. Listen, the chefs are preparing some samples so we can finalize the menu. Can you please sample these things with me? I don’t even know what to choose anymore. It’s so confusing,” Antonio told Billy.

“Missy Ann can help. When will the samples be ready?” Billy asked, keeping a hand at her lower back.

Antonio looked at them and he held a firm expression.

“Fifteen minutes. I’ll be sure they set it all up for us.”

Billy nodded and Antonio walked away.

“So, where were we?” he asked, stepping closer. Missy Ann looked up at him and seemed a bit nervous.

“Oh yes, the computer system. You said you were familiar with the program?” he asked, holding her gaze.


“Good, I have my tech guy coming in tomorrow noon-time. You’ll meet with him too as we go over the plans for the system, what we want and don’t want. Sound good?” he asked.

“Sure thing,” she said to him and he smiled.

“I think this is going to work out great,” he added and then gave her a wink. She lowered her eyes and he couldn’t help but feel the attraction. She was sweet, modest, but smart and had great ideas. He respected her already and that was a step in the right direction.

His phone buzzed and he saw that it was Finn.

Is Missy Ann okay?

More than okay. I’ll take care of her. I promise.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025