Town of Chance: Attacking Innocence (The Dare 8) - Page 16

Good. Call me after you drop her off at home.

You betcha.

“That was Finn checking up on you.”

“Oh, is everything okay?” she asked him.

“Yes, fine. I told him I would take good care of you.”

“It’s the first time him and Salvatore have left me like this. I mean with people I don’t know too well.” She looked around the place, avoiding his gaze.

“They care a lot about you. Plus they know that Antonio and I will protect you and watch over you as well.”

She looked at him and he couldn’t help but to take in the sight of her lips, the shy, insecure expression in her eyes, yet the great contrast to her figure and the way she held herself so maturely and sophisticatedly in front of him. She liked to act calm and tough, but he caught the uneasiness in those baby blues.

“You don’t need to do that.”

“Maybe I want to?” he replied quickly.

She pulled her lower lip between her teeth. “I’m capable of taking care of myself. I have friends who can give me a ride later. Don’t feel obligated because of Salvatore and Finn, really, it’s no big—”

He placed his finger gently over her lips and she stopped talking. He clutched her chin between pointer and thumb and stared at her lips then into her eyes.

“Believe me, Missy Ann, keeping you here with me, spending more time with you, and driving you home later are for selfish reasons.”

“Selfish reasons?” she whispered and he caressed her jaw and smiled softly.

“More time for us to get to know one another and to explore this attraction we’re all feeling.”

She went to look away from him. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. I mean, I’m working for you now.”

“Business and pleasure rarely mix, Missy Ann, but don’t worry, if things work out I plan on firing you,” he told her then pressed his lips to hers.

Chapter 4

Finn was sitting at his desk in the office finishing up his report on a recent case he closed out. He heard his cell phone buzz, looked down, and was surprised to see it was Warner Dawn. He hadn’t spoken to him in weeks.

“Hey, Warner, how’s it going?” he asked.

“Not too bad, just finishing up some work on the computer. How about you?”

“Just wrapping up a case at work then heading home for the night.”

“Got plans with Missy Ann and your brothers?” Warner asked.

Finn chuckled.

“Word travels fast, huh?”

“Well, I hear Billy is on board but Antonio is being stubborn.”

Finn released a sigh as he leaned back in his chair.

“I think he’ll come around once he learns Missy Ann is trustworthy.”

“Well listen. That shit Sophia put him through was upsetting. He could have lost everything because of her lies. That kind of betrayal and hurt isn’t easily forgotten.”

“You don’t have to tell me.”

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025