Town of Chance: Attacking Innocence (The Dare 8) - Page 39

“Had a brother?”

“Yup, that brother was working for Si, and he was the one that Finn and Salvatore killed in that cabin. It was Carlos and his partner that were about to rape Missy Ann.”

“Holy shit.”

“I know. I don’t think this guy Colton being in Chance was coincidence.”

“Me either. Are you guys thinking that maybe he sent this guy to get shit on Finn and Salvatore?”

“Could be. We’re trying to get what we can on this guy Darius. As far as paperwork and everything, he is as clean as a fucking whistle. Too fucking clean if you ask Parker and me.”

“We need to talk to Finn and Salvatore.”

“Yes we do. They could be in danger. This guy Darius could want to hurt them because they killed his brother. I don’t really know.”

“And there hasn’t been any other sign of this Colton guy around town anymore?”

“Not that we know of, but we haven’t exactly put his face out there for our friends to keep watch.”

“Well, do that. Call the sheriff, and all the guys. Spread the word. I’m in my car now. I’m going to call Finn. He was supposed to come meet me at two. I’ll get him to meet me sooner.”

“We’ll keep digging,” Burker said and Warner disconnected the call.

He had a bad feeling in his gut. Something was brewing and he would do whatever he needed to protect his friends and their woman.

* * * *

“This is so amazing. You couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful night,” Eliza Grace said to Missy Ann. Missy Ann looked around the restaurant and bar. The grand opening was a huge success. Everything, aside from a few minor bumps in the kitchen, had gone smoothly. They were already booked up for the next four months with private parties and use of the gazebo. Everyone was having a great time.

“I love this dress. It really brings out the blue in your eyes,” Eliza Grace said to her.

“Oh thank you. Antonio picked out this designer dress that was so expensive it was ridiculous. He flipped out when I told him it wasn’t necessary and oh God what a fight we had over it.”

Eliza Grace chuckled and then took a sip from her straw and the girly drink she was having.

“So he wants to dress you now, too? That’s interesting,” she teased.

“I told him that wasn’t happening, and that I liked to pick out my own things and that I would surprise him. That seemed to calm him down.”

“And when he saw this number on you?”

“He loved it. Although he did say it was rather sexy.”

“It is, but you have the perfect body to pull it off.”

“Says you in your designer tight red dress.”

“I got it from the boutique after I modeled it in the catalogue. I knew it would be perfect for tonight.”

“Well it is, and your men can’t keep their eyes off of you,” Missy Ann said and nodded toward the right. But besides seeing Parker, Burker, Tazer, and Lynch, Missy Ann saw the expression on Finn’s face and he looked concerned and angry. Tazer was saying something to him and he was nodding but kept his eyes on her. She placed her hand over her belly and she felt nervous, unsure. Were they still angry because she said she wanted to wait to move in with them?

“Wow, Finn and Salvatore don’t look too happy at all. What’s going on?”

“I think they’re upset because I won’t move in with them.”

Eliza Grace swallowed the sip she took, hard. “Move in with them? They asked you and you said no?”

She explained about the nightmares and their reaction.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025