Town of Chance: Attacking Innocence (The Dare 8) - Page 40

“Aw, Missy Ann, they want to take care of you. They love you and you love them.”

“But it’s been a few months. I don’t think it’s long enough.”

“There’s no set time on what’s right or wrong. Do you feel safer when you’re with them?”


“Well then, they love you, and want to hold you in bed at night and it could help with those nightmares.”

“I don’t know. Maybe if Antonio asked me after we made love or when we were cooking together in the kitchen it would have been easier to say yes. But it was after I had a nightmare and told him about being alone at night and knocking things over.”

“You feel he asked you just to make you feel safe, not because he loves you and wants you with him all the time?”

“Exactly. I know they love me, but I want to be a hundred percent sure. Besides, we work together too and what if he gets tired of me?”

“That’s silly. Knowing Antonio, he probably would fire you.”

Missy Ann laughed. “That’s exactly what he said.”

One of the assistant managers interrupted their conversation. “Hi, Keith, is everything okay?” she asked.

“We’re having a problem with one of the computers the wait staff is using.”

“Okay. Let me see if I can help. Excuse me a moment, Eliza Grace.”

“Sure thing,” she said and Missy Ann accompanied Keith across the room toward the computer stations. As she was walking she caught some guy pointing his cell phone at her. But then she thought maybe it wasn’t at her but the tiki bar or something else. People were snapping pictures all night. She got to the machine and started playing with the buttons, trying to fix the problem. She realized something was wrong inside of it and had to disconnect something in the back. She

was using the screwdriver, pulling out wires, reconnecting as the installer explained to her. “Damn, you seem to know how to do a bunch of things. I’m impressed, Missy Ann,” Keith said to her.

“Thanks, but I’m not that good. I just remember the installer giving some troubleshooting scenarios and of course this is like almost the worst case scenario,” she said. Keith was leaning right next to her, holding the one wire to the side.

“What’s going on?” Antonio asked, looking angry.

“The computer is all screwed up but Missy Ann is fixing it,” Keith said to him.

She glanced at Antonio, who leaned against the side of the computer station appearing angry. His eyes were on Keith and probably the fact that Keith was pressed close to her. “There. I got it,” she said and the computer flashed and then the main screen came on.

“Perfect. You’re a gem, Missy Ann,” Keith said to her, smiling.

“No problem,” she said and then got out of the way so the servers could start using the computer. Antonio pressed up against her, wrapping his arm around her waist.

“You were awfully close to Keith.”

“Antonio, I had to fix the computer.”

He kissed her bare shoulder and ran his palm along her belly, making her shiver with desire. “I love this dress. It’s better than the one I wanted you to wear,” he said.

She turned around in his arms and placed her hands on his shoulders. She pressed closer. “I know it is. That’s why I said no to you.”

He squeezed her tighter. “You know what saying no to me gets you, right?” he asked and her cheeks warmed and she nodded. A nice spanking. God, she had it bad for him and his brothers. It didn’t take much at all.

He pulled her along with him. “Where are we going?”

“I think I have a situation in my office. I need you now.”

“Antonio, we have guests and friends here waiting to enjoy the night with us.”

“They’re enjoying it fine. Fifteen minutes, tops,” he said, pulling her down the hallway to the back offices. He pulled out his card and swiped it.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025