Town of Chance: Attacking Innocence (The Dare 8) - Page 41

“Fifteen minutes, huh? A quickie? Is that what I’m good for?” she asked as he closed the door and locked it.

“You never complain about our office quickies, as you refer to them.”

“Who said I’m complaining?”

“You sound like you are.” He pulled her close and kissed her. He ran his palms along her hips and straight to her ass.

“I just feel tired and spent after them, Antonio,” she said to him softly, running her hands up his chest as he undid his pants and shoved them down.

“Tired?” he asked, moving her hands over his cock.

“Yes, because you’re so big and hard, I need time to recover.”

“Oh hell, you’re such a tease,” he said and lifted her up and placed her onto the desk. His eyes widened. “You’re not wearing any panties?” he scolded her.

“See, I’m not a tease, I was hopeful you and your brothers would all want quickies in the back office.”

He smiled wide. “Baby, you are in a heap of trouble.” He lowered down and licked her pussy. She held on to the desk, legs wide just like her men liked it and she moaned in pleasure as Antonio feasted on her pussy.

She was in for it tonight. Once Antonio told his brothers she wasn’t wearing any underwear, they were all going to take turns bringing her into the office for a quickie. She smiled wide. Who was the one in control after all?

* * * *

Finn had been the last to take her to the back office and make love to her. After he bent her over the desk and spanked her for not wearing any panties all night, he held her in his arms on the couch, caressing her thighs and shaking his head at her. But she sensed more was bothering him. He was tense, unhappy and she wondered if it had something more to do with work. He always looked on guard, with this expression and demeanor about him. She learned quickly that those hard expressions were of concern, a protective, ready emotion and it was part of what attracted her to him. Well that, and all his muscles. The man was shredded, and that showed in his firm jaw, distinguished nose, and the gruff of facial hair that only seemed to disappear immediately after he shaved. She loved that about him.

She enjoyed just watching him shave, watching Antonio cook, Billy look over accounting numbers and Salvatore practicing his martial arts or getting angry at the television when a crime show didn’t use facts or show real police procedure. She loved it all.

She ran her hands up and down his shoulders. His dress shirt was undone, and there was no rush to get back out to the restaurant and bar, as most of their friends had headed home.

“Are you feeling okay?” she asked him. He held her gaze. He nodded.

“You seem tense. You looked angry, on edge all night.”

“That’s because my woman was prancing around in a tight sexy dress with a bare pussy underneath.” He gave her ass a spank and she lifted up and giggled. Then lowered down and massaged his tight shoulder muscles.

“It was for your pleasure. A little surprise to make you guys smile.”

“What would make us smile is you coming home with us every night and sleeping in our bed permanently.”

She sighed and began to lift up but he gripped her hips.

“Why don’t you want to?” he asked very seriously.

“It’s too soon.”

“No it isn’t. We love you, we want you, and you love and want us. What more of a reason is there to need?”

“I don’t know. I guess I would have said yes immediately if you asked because of that and not because of my nightmares and wanting to take those away. I didn’t want there to be any other reason but because you guys love me and want me.”

“Oh baby, Antonio didn’t mean it that way when he asked.”

“I know that.”

“No, I don’t think you realize how possessive you make us feel, and protective, and in need. You’re our world, and our everything. We want you all the time. It sucks at night when we can’t hold you and caress this sexy body, or look into these baby blues.”

He caressed her cheek and she held his hand and turned into it, closing her eyes and absorbing his touch.

“Come on and say yes. Say you’ll move in this week. We’ll help move your stuff. Hell, we’ll set things up in a separate bedroom if that makes you feel better.”

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025