Rock My World - Page 71

“Okay, well then we need to get to the hospital. Right?” I reach across and grab my car keys. “Let’s leave now so we’re there in plenty of time. I don’t think we should have the baby here.”

She nods, all the color draining from her face as she reaches across to grab my hand. I lean down and kiss her on the top of the head quickly, just reveling in the idea that the next time we come here it won’t just be the two of us. There will be another life in the mix. That’s so amazing, I couldn’t be happier.

I lead Addie out to the car and get her in the front seat. She’s worried and filled with agony now, I think the contractions have hit her hard. Luckily, we aren’t too far away from the hospital so it won’t take me long to get there. According to all the baby books we’ve read I know I should have plenty of time, but I’ve learned through my life that nothing quite goes to plan… but it always works out perfectly in the end.

“O h wow.” I hold the little bundle of joy in my arms, a love so boundless flowing through me that I didn’t even know I was capable of it. “Oh wow, Addie. We made this baby. You did this, you should be so proud.”

Tears fill her eyes again. If I thought that her hormones were all over the place before, then I was mistaken. Now, she’s all over the place. Happy one minute, filled with love the next, weeping seconds later… but then I have just witnessed what she put her body through and it isn’t a surprise. That was crazy.

“Our own little baby boy, can you believe it?” she gushes. “What are we going to call him?”

“I don’t know. Do you have any ideas? Looking at him?”

“Edward,” she says instantly, as if she’s been planning that name.

“Hmm, that’s very English.”

“I know, but that’s the name that instantly came to mind the moment I saw him.”

“It is?” I examine my little boy’s face with this name in mind. “Actually, do you know what? I like it.”

“You do?” She looks so happy I’m so glad.

“Yeah. It’s great, isn’t it? Perfect for our little lad.”

Her eyes flicker, I can see how tired she is. Again, I’m hardly surprised. I know that she wants to stay awake for our son, to spend every moment with him, but right now I think she’s better resting.

“You have some sleep, sweetheart.” I kiss the top of her head. “I’m going to take Edward for a walk around the ward. My mother is coming to visit anyway; she’ll want to see her grandson.”

Addie’s lips part in protest, but her argument falls away. A wave of weariness hits her and her eyes almost roll to the back of her head. “Okay sure, but don’t be too long. I don’t want to be by myself for ages.”

She’s asleep before we even get out the room, just as I thought she might be. I’ll stick around, I won’t go anywhere too far away, but I’m going to let her sleep for as long as she needs…

My heart stops beating as I see a man with a camera standing in the hallway, looking like he’s waiting for someone. Since the press lost interest in me, I didn’t think that anyone would know about me having a child. I certainly didn’t think I would be hounded for pictures, but it seems like I was wrong. Someone is here to ruin this special moment. I clutch my boy tightly to my chest to not let him be seen. I won’t let his face be plastered all over the papers when he is just a few hours old. That’s so damn wrong.

“Excuse me, mate,” the guy starts as he approaches me. Anger bubbles up, I might just freak out and lash out. Addie isn’t the only one who’s on an emotional roller coaster. “Do you know where room twenty-one is? My granddaughter has just been born, see, and I want to take a good picture of her.”

Relief floods me. Of course this isn’t a man looking for me. I’m not famous enough for anyone to care about me anymore anyway which is perfect, just as I want it.

“I think it’s down that way,” I say smilingly. “And congratulations on your granddaughter.”

“Congratulations on your baby too.”

I head out into the waiting room feeling much more confident now, and I quickly find my mother there. She isn’t alone, she

has Luci with her. Addie’s family. Both of them look on edge until they see me.

“Oh my goodness. You have the baby!” Luci rushes to me first and holds out her hands to hold him. “He’s so beautiful, he looks just like the pair of you. What’s his name?”

“Edward,” I say as I hand him over. “Edward Fairs.”

“I love him so much. He’s adorable.”

Mom beams at me as we watch Luci coo over my child. She also has a real look of adoration about her. “He really is lovely. You and Addie must be so happy. Where is she?”

“She’s sleeping right now, she’s absolutely shattered.”

“I bet she is. I remember childbirth myself, and it isn’t fun.”

Tags: Mia Ford Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024