Rock My World - Page 72

I laugh at Mom. “Is that why you only had me?”

I know it’s really because Dad walked out on us, and Mom hasn’t found love since, but it’s much better for us to make a joke about it.

“Oh, it sure is. You were a horrible birth. Then you were an awful child, so this might be revenge.”

Eventually, Luci decides that she’s going to see Addie to check that she’s alright, which gives Mom a chance to hold Edward. Immediately, she melts and I can see a seismic shift within her.

“Oh, he’s lovely, such a sweetheart,” she weeps. “You’re so lucky. See, this is just proof of what I have been trying to tell you. You and Addie are meant to be.”

I roll my eyes and laugh. “I know that. I always did. It just wasn’t always easy. I always knew that we were meant to be together, it was just a bit of a challenge, wasn’t it? We faced our obstacles for sure.”

“I know, but the pain of all of that is worth it now, isn’t it?”

I stare at Edward, melting all over again. “It sure is. And soon I will be making Addie my wife. Another step that I cannot wait for.”

I shiver, thinking about our wedding. We haven’t done even a scrap of planning yet, not out loud anyway, but I’ve been plotting in my mind. We might not be ready to move to our cottage by the ocean just yet, although that might come soon, but I want to experience that for just a short while so that’s what I’m going to do. For her.

For us.

Our love story come full circle.


One Year Later…

“I cannot believe that I thought it would be better to get married after Edward was born,” I grumble to Luci. “It’s been exhausting. I didn’t know how hard motherhood would be.”

“It might be hard, but little Edward is so sweet, he’s worth it.”

I laugh and nod. “I know, Auntie Luci, it’s obvious how much you love him, but you aren’t up every night at three AM.” But then my heart melts and I remember how adorable my boy is. “But you’re right.”

She tightens my dress around me and steps back to run her eyes up and down me. “You look gorgeous. This is such a lovely dress. I wasn’t too sure at first, but it’s perfect for this. A lovely wedding on the beach… you don’t want a full on dress to the floor for that, do you? It’ll get all sandy.”

My dress is pure white and knee length. Elegant and simple, just what I wanted. Luci might have wanted me to get a princess style poofy over the top number, but that just isn’t me.

“Is it going to be weird with your parents here?” she asks cautiously.

“I don’t know,” I admit. “I didn’t think that they’d come when I invited them, it was more of a formality. But they are here, so let’s see what happens. It might be the start of rebuilding that bond.”

“They will get to know Edward as well. And since you’re staying here for your honeymoon to live your fantasy life for a week, you might get some space with extra babysitters. You can do whatever you want.” She winks cheekily, suggesting we’ll spend most of the time in bed… which is true. “You could even finish your novel.”

I don’t want to think about my novel right now. That’s work, where I want my career to go, this is fun.

“I don’t know if they will be up for that, but we’ll see. We have Felicia for that anyway, and you, we will be fine. I’m not too worried.” I shake my head hard. “I don’t want to think about them anyway. I don’t want to stress out and worry about anything. I just want to enjoy my day.”

“Yes, exactly. Don’t worry about them, just worry about your new husband.”

“Oh wow, husband, that sounds weird, doesn’t it? I’m going to have a husband, and be a wife.”

Luci laughs. “Better get used to it, baby. It’s too late to back out now… or is it?”

She makes me laugh. I know that she doesn’t mean it. She loves Jace and me together now. She’s seen what an amazing partner and father he’s been over the last year. He really has proven himself. Especially since he pretty much planned this wedding all himself. Luci helped him more than I did.

“Shut up, you know it is. In fact…” I glance at my watch. “I think it’s time to go. Shall we?”

Luci takes my arm and we exit the lovely cottage that Jace and I will be staying in during our time here, and we head towards the beach. The nearer we get, the more of my family that I can see there, my old family and new. My parents are standing awkwardly near Felicia, looking at Edward like they really want to get to know him. But of course, he’s one now, he knows who he knows, and he doesn’t know them. That’s their own fault.

I don’t know what’s going to happen with our relationship next, but this is a start. It might go nowhere, but it could turn out amazing. Who the hell knows? I’m just going to see what happens.

Tags: Mia Ford Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024