One Hot Night: A Single Dad Romance - Page 93

The other side of me admires Vanessa so much for standing up for herself. I feel sorry for Gabriel’s wife for being married to such a snake. I’m so angry, veins pop out on my face.

“He’s not worth it,” Vanessa says. “He may have stolen a few weeks from us, but we have each other now.”

I nod, too wound up to speak.

“I never stopped loving you,” Vanessa says. “Not for one second.”

“Oh, babe, you don’t know how happy it makes me feel to hear you say that,” I say my voice cracking from too much emotion. “I thought that I’d lost you and Ivy.”

Vanessa cups my face. “And I thought that I’d lost you and Emma.”

Unable to resist, I brush my lips against hers. A deep need to be alone with her comes over me. A need to prove that this is real and that she’s not going to disappear from my life again.

“Do you think Lexi will mind keeping Ivy for forty-five more minutes?” I ask, my voice thick with desire.

“I’m pretty sure that she won’t,” Vanessa says.

We leave the house and use the car despite the short distance. When we get home, we go straight to Vanessa’s cottage and to her bedroom. I close the bedroom door and gently tug her into my arms.

She feels so right in my arms. The emptiness that had been inside me less than an hour ago is gone. I give her a soft kiss on her lips.

“I’ve missed you so much, Vanessa,” I tell her unable to believe that she’s in my arms again.

“Show me,” Vanessa says.

I kiss her again, this time deepening the kiss but taking it slow. My instincts are to rip her clothes off and make love to her like a beast. Instead, I suck on her tongue and then her lower lip. Then I trail kisses down her collar cheek to her neck and collarbone.

“I can’t get enough of you,” I tell her, drawing back to undress her.

With trembling fingers, I unbutton her blouse and as I push it down her shoulders, I kiss her bare skin. She tastes so sweet and smells like spring. I remove the rest of her clothes without touching her.

I lay her on the bed and proceed to strip off my clothes. We stare at each other hungrily, not bothering to hide our deep need for each other. I drape my body over hers and settle between her legs.

Our lips mesh together, and we kiss and suck and tease each other. I lower my head to her breasts and take a nipple into my mouth. Vanessa moans loudly and rakes her fingers through my hair.

I feel as if I’m making love to Vanessa for the first time. I tease her nipples until they are as hard as pebbles.

“I want you, Logan,” Vanessa says. “I can’t wait. It’s been so long. Please.”

A thought flashes through my mind but I ruthlessly push it away but not before it makes me let out a groan of anger. Vanessa goes still. I look up at her.

“What are you thinking? No more secrets, remember?” she says when I hesitate.

“It doesn’t matter,” I tell her.

“It does. That sounded like a groan of pain, not pleasure.” She stares into my eyes and sees something. “You’re thinking that I did this with Gabriel, right?”

I’m ashamed but it’s true. “I hate the thought of him or any other man touching you.”

“He didn’t and no other man will ever touch me, Logan. I’m all yours, I promise.”

Instead of answering, I kiss her. “I’m all yours too, Vanessa Allen.”

When we make love, it’s different from any other time we’ve ever made love. There are no secrets or worries between us. Vanessa and I are open books to each other now. I whisper words of my devotion and love for her and she does the same.

When we come, it’s more than physical pleasure. It’s a coming together of two souls that complete each other in every possible way.


Tags: Sarah J. Brooks Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024