Greatest Fight of All - Page 22

Chapter 18

Jessy had been home for three days now and she could finally move without wincing in pain. She had convinced her dad to bring her laptop home so she could do some work from home using her cell phone. Lucia had come by a few times and she really enjoyed talking to her. Because she worked so hard to keep a roof over their heads, it left Gabe with too much time on his hands to get in trouble. She confessed that since Jessy had that big talk with him she had not gotten any phone calls from the school complaining about his behavior. She was starting to see a big change in his attitude.

“I am so proud of the change in him. He is not so bitter these days, Jessy. It was hard on both of us when my ex-husband walked out. I was hurt but I couldn’t grieve because I had to deal with how I would support us. Gabe wants that approval from another man. It breaks my heart that his dad is not around to fulfill that craving,” she confessed tearfully.

Jessy had reached out her hand to Lucia. The woman looked so sad and Jessy hated to see that, especially since Lucia was genuinely nice. “I get it. I miss my mom so much when I need a woman to talk to. I’m drowning in male testosterone. But I love my dad and I am grateful that he tries so hard. I’m sure Gabe feels like that too, Lucia. He is a good kid.”

Lucia nodded. “Thank you, Jessy. You and your father have been kind and gracious. I only wish I could somehow pay him and you back.”

An idea formed in her head and she smiled. “Well, since I am not allowed to move around much, I wonder if you would mind making us dinner one day. My poor dad has been eating sandwiches and soup all week. Those are the two things he can make by himself. I was forced to learn how to cook when I couldn’t stomach another ham sandwich.”

Lucia laughed and her smile got wider. She seemed to like the idea very much. She had mentioned more than once how much she loved to cook but never bothered with her busy schedule. “Does he like Mexican food?”

“Like? Try love,” Jessy answered truthfully. “We have lots of food here so all it would take is your time.”

“I would love to do this, Jessy. How about this Thursday? I am off that day.”

Jessy nodded. “Then the four of us could get to know each other better. I really like Gabe a lot and so does my dad.”

* * * *

Tonight was Thursday and her dad was running around looking nervous. She knew that was a sure sign he liked Lucia, too. Her dad was not the type to ever worry what someone thought about him or care about how he dressed. He was around sweaty males all day and dressed casually.

Jessy sat on the couch, watching her dad look in the mirror for the hundredth time. He had combed his dark hair so many times already she was surprised it hadn’t all fallen out already. “Dad, you look fine. Quit fussing. You’re a handsome man.”

He smiled and looked down at his clothes. His jeans were his newest pair and still dark. His polo shirt was green and helped bring out his hazel eyes. “Should I have dressed up more?”

“No,” Jessy answered, looking down at her matching pale-pink outfit. “I’m wearing my favorite sweatpants and matching sweatshirt. If you got all dressed up and Lucia didn’t you would make her feel bad.”

He sat down on his favorite recliner and took a deep calming breath. “She called earlier and said she had the main dish cooked. Chicken enchiladas.”

“Offer to help her, and me and Gabe will stay here and watch TV. It will give you time to get to know each other,” Jessy suggested with an innocent smile. “It was so nice of her to do this for us. I for one am excited.”

“I’m an old man. Why am I even thinking romantic thoughts?” he muttered to himself.

“Dad, you’re still young. Just relax and let it flow. I think Lucia likes you, too,” Jessy advised him.

“Yeah?” He looked hopeful and Jessy nodded.

He jumped when the doorbell rang and went to answer it. Gabe came into the living and threw himself on the floor next to Jessy.

Jared was carrying a large silver tray and smiling at something Lucia was saying. They ignored them and Jessy laughed. “Oh sure, us kids will be okay out here,” she yelled out loud.

She heard her dad laugh and yell out, “Behave, brat.”

“I rented this action movie,” she told Gabe, holding up the cover. He read

the back cover. “Oh yeah. I wanted to see this.”

“Good. Put it on then.” She got comfortable with all her pillows around her, but before the movie even started the doorbell rang again.

“I’ll get it,” Gabe offered, running to the door. “Hey, Royce.”

Jessy groaned. Royce hadn’t had a chance to come and see her in the last few days. She had been grateful for the space to think. She tried to forget all about that conversation in the hospital because it confused her. She could hear Gabe talking excitedly about the movie.

Royce winked at her and moved her feet over so he could sit down, even though her dad’s recliner was empty. He placed her feet on his lap. “I’ve been wanting to see this, too. Jared invited me to dinner and how could I refuse the chance to spend some time with my favorite girl?”

Gabe looked at them curiously. “Are you two dating?”

Tags: Lee Rose Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025