Greatest Fight of All - Page 27

She smiled and looked up at her lover’s handsome face. Last night had been so much better than their first night. They had both been relaxed and not rushed. He had made slow and gentle love to her this morning, too. “I’m just happy right now. I wish it could stay this way forever.”

“Who says it can’t?” He leaned down and kissed her lips lightly. “I love you, Jessy, and I am a man who knows what he wants. You.”

“None of that mushy stuff at the table,” Blake complained, drinking his orange juice. “Bad for my stomach. Lucky for you, Royce, I have to concentrate on tonight, but later I will be asking you if you plan to treat Jessy right this time. I can’t have you messing with my little sister.”

“Yeah, I agree with Blake,” Gabe added with a laugh, even though he had no idea what Blake was talking about. He must have had a good night with the guys, since he looked to be in an upbeat mood. Jessy threw her napkin at Gabe but he caught it and threw it at Blake for starting something.

“Boys,” Jessy muttered playfully.

“Children, please,” Jared chided, but he was too happy to sound grouchy. He reached out and grabbed Lucia’s hand, kissing her knuckles. “I have way too many children. I’m sorry.”

Lucia laughed and pointed at Jessy and Gabe. “You two will be grounded and miss tonight’s fight if I see any more napkins flying in the air.”

The whole table laughed and her dad kissed Lucia right there in front of everyone.

Jessy heard Gabe mutter gross, but he looked happy to see his mom looking so happy. Jessy guessed he was as thr

illed with the turnout as she was. Maybe she would be getting a little brother after all, even if he was almost an adult.

Jessy and Lucia spent the day at the spa getting pampered. They decided to pick out their dresses from the boutique inside the hotel. It was too hot to go outside and wander around the shops.

“You don’t mind about me and your dad being together?” Lucia asked seriously when they had a break. They were sitting in the hotel café, relaxing for a moment.

“No. I had hoped it would happen when I invited you to cook for us,” Jessy assured her. “My dad has been alone for too long, Lucia, and I know you have too. I am so thrilled and I know we’ll be good friends.”

“We already are, Jessy,” Lucia agreed with relief showing on her face. “I was worried about Gabriel’s reaction but he assured me he was ‘cool’ with the idea.”

They went up to the suite to get ready. The men had been busy all day getting Blake ready for tonight’s event, leaving Jessy and Lucia alone for the day. Jessy was glad to have company and do some girly activities. Usually she hung out with her dad and Tom because she didn’t want to spend the day alone.

Lucia came out dressed in a short-sleeved silk gold gown that passed her knees. Her hair was clipped up and out of the way. She looked elegant and classy and her smile showed how happy she was. Her tan skin glowed.

“You look amazing, Lucia. My dad is going to faint.” Jessy giggled.

“You look great too, Jessy.”

Jessy looked in the mirror. Her dress was short and forest green. It matched her eyes. It was cut low but she felt sexy in it and hoped Royce liked it, too. She added black heels and sprayed her wrists with perfume. She curled her hair and left it loose. “I am always so nervous before a fight.”

“I must admit I feel butterflies in my stomach. I like Blake and want him to win. If Gabe is ever in the ring I probably won’t be able to function,” Lucia admitted.

Jessy hooked her arm through Lucia’s as they left the suite. “I know what you mean. Adam, Sam, and Jackson will sit with us. My dad said he wanted Gabe to see what goes on behind the scenes, too.”

“I am so lucky your father is such a kind man,” Lucia mentioned.

“He wanted lots of kids, but my mom was sick,” Jessy said sadly. She shook her sad thoughts away. She didn’t want to feel sadness, not when her future finally looked bright.

“But now he has you and Gabe. I would like Gabe to be my brother.” Jessy nudged Lucia playfully as they waited for the elevator.

“Is that a hint that I should propose to your father?” Lucia laughed joyfully, but she didn’t oppose the notion, so that gave Jessy hope.

“Yes. If we wait for the men to do it we could be waiting forever.” Jessy laughed and got in the elevator. She pushed the button for the ground floor.

“Do you see marriage for you and Royce?” Lucia asked with curiosity. “Your dad was worried when he found Royce’s note but I reminded him you were an adult. Besides, Royce seems like a good man. I watch him with my son and see how encouraging he is.”

“He is a good person. He was hurt once and he wasn’t sure he wanted to be in a relationship again. It hurt my feelings because I was in love with him. Now he is ready to try. I love him but I want to make sure he loves me too before we take that step.” He said he loved her but she felt scared he would end up regretting it and get bored. He already had said ties and roots were not for him. He changed his mind when she was shot, so it worried her his feelings were out of guilt.

The elevator door opened and Royce was waiting for her. He wore jeans and a team shirt. His eyes widened and she could see them glaze with desire. Just what she wanted to see. She winked at him and stepped out of the elevator.

“Jessy, you take my breath away,” he whispered, kissing her cheek. He turned to Lucia. “You look amazing, Lucia. I am to escort you to your seats. Jared said he will come and see you in a minute.”

Tags: Lee Rose Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025