Greatest Fight of All - Page 28

Lucia walked ahead of them and Royce took the opportunity to nibble on her neck. “I can’t wait to peel that dress off of you and see what is underneath.”

“What if I say nothing?” she teased, and heard him mutter under his breath.

“You are a tease. This fight better not last all night or I’ll kick Blake’s ass myself,” he said in a low voice so he wouldn’t be heard except by Jessy.

They were seated close to the front. Gabe whistled when he spotted his mom. “Wow, Mom. You look like a movie star.”

“Thanks, son.” She beamed and sat down next to him.

Adam, Jackson, and Sam all complimented her too, and Jessy cleared her throat. Was she invisible or what?

“You look great, Jess,” Adam said with a shrug. “But we can’t check you out or Royce will hurt us in the ring. He warned me and Jackson already.”

Jackson laughed, pushing his shaggy blond hair out of the way. It was long and touched his shoulders. “I made the mistake of telling him you looked hot and he glared at me something fierce. I was scared, Jessy, so forgive me if we don’t notice how sexy you look right about now.”

Jessy rolled her eyes and sat down next to Lucia who was trying not to laugh.

Royce chuckled when she rolled her eyes. “That’s right. Sam and Blake are like her brothers or I’d give them the same warning.”

“If Blake wins I better be the only man you kiss,” he whispered in her ear before leaving.

So he did see that kiss she shared with Martin. She gave him a happy smile. “Of course, darling. I will wait for you.”

“Man, Jessy. He has it bad for you. I hope it’s not contagious.” Sam shuddered dramatically. “Jared and Royce fall, all in one weekend. Bad news for us men.”

“I do,” Adam said glancing around, clearly looking for someone. “Destiny said she would be here too.”

“She is probably in the press box,” Jessy told him. “After the fight I’ll go get her to interview Blake.”

“Thanks, Jess.” Jessy could see how infatuated he was with the young girl and she could only hope it worked out for him. He was so kind and he didn’t deserve to have his heart broken.

The lights dimmed low, signaling the fight was starting. The spotlight was aimed toward the first contestant, Blake’s opponent.

A few minutes later a different song came on and Blake was announced as he entered the ring. Jessy could hardly sit still. No matter how many fights she saw she was nervous for the guys. She wanted them all to do well but she was as close to Blake as any brother or sister and she knew he needed this to feel good inside. His rough treatment in his childhood had erased his self-confidence. When he didn’t win he sulked for days.

“It’s a violent sport, Lucia, but they train for this.” Jessy felt a little worried. Lucia wasn’t used to seeing this. She had said she had never even watched it on TV.

“It’s okay, Jessy. Your father prepared me.” She smiled. “Do not tell him but if it gets too bloody I will close my eyes and send up a prayer for Blake.”

Adam heard her and laughed. “My mom saw me fight not too long ago for the first time. At first she could barely stand to watch then the excitement of the crowd caught on and she was yelling and cheering with the rest of them.”

The bell indicating it was about to start rang and their eyes were glued to the ring. Blake threw the first punch and from there it was an all-out tough fight with neither man backing down. The first round ended and Jessy asked Adam what he thought.

“I hate to say it but point wise I think Slade took that round.” Jessy’s heart sank and she crossed her fingers, sending positive thoughts toward Blake.

The second-round bell rang and once again it was a brutal fight. She heard Lucia groan a few times. They were close enough to see the men’s faces as they fought, each one determined to win.

Chapter 22

“I think Blake took that one.” Adam sounded relieved. Sam and Jackson were discussing strategy.

Jessy sighed and waited on pins and needles for the third round to start. She knew

Blake had got some good hits and she hoped it was enough for him to win. It would be a tough call. Slade was a tough fighter.

They waited for the judges to decide. She held Lucia’s hand nervously.

The referee finally declared Blake the winner by only two points. They stood up and cheered for him and made their way to the locker room. Jessy threw herself at Royce and kissed him. Royce kissed her until she was dizzy and had to hold on to him. She laughed and made her way over to Blake, who was already surrounded by well-wishers.

Tags: Lee Rose Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025