Claiming Hannah (Bear Creek, Texas) - Page 20

“Why didn’t she call me about the vandalism? It seems the shelter has made an enemy,” Ben stated, giving Richard his best intimidating look.

Richard denied that with a shake of his head. “Actually we have more support now than we have ever had before. Hannah put Grace in charge of the volunteer program and we now have lots of people coming in and helping us, even our donations have increased lately.”

“So what do you think is going on?” Ben asked, knowing he wasn’t going to like the answer.

Richard stayed silent for a few minutes, then spoke honestly. “I say it’s personal. Hannah says you’ll never believe her, but I walked in on the tail end of her conversation with your so-called peaceful admirer. There was a lot of hatred in her voice when she spoke to Hannah. She bumped into me on the way out the door and you should have seen her eyes, they were cold and mean. I even told Hannah to call you right away but she said you would never believe her. I have worked with Hannah for a long time now and she has never been deliberately mean to anyone, or been a liar. If she told me she feels threatened by someone I’d believe her. You claim to be in love with her, so why do you think she is making this up?”

Ben didn’t know how to answer that. He had thought Hannah was judging Dorothy due to her jealousy but maybe he did need to open his eyes and really see Dorothy for who she was. “You’re right, Richard. I fucked up big time in not taking all this seriously. If anything else happens, call me and I promise to listen this time.”

He left feeling more upset and walked down the street not paying attention to anyone. Finally he looked up and noticed he was in front of the beauty salon. Maybe it was time to question Dorothy and get to the truth once and for all. He walked in and Dorothy looked up in surprise from behind the counter where she was filing her nails. At least he thought it was Dorothy. Her hair was dyed blonde, the same color as Hannah’s. Ben just stared at her in shock, not knowing how to respond to that.

“Like it?” Dorothy beamed, patting her new hair. “I knew you’d like it, that’s why I did it. I’m so glad you stopped by to see me. I was going to go and see you later to cheer you up.”

Ben looked around, thankful no one else was in the shop. He walked up to the counter, feeling apprehensive and uncomfortable.

“I’m just here to ask you some questions. Did you go to the shelter to talk to Hannah a few days ago?” he asked in his sheriff’s voice to let her know this wasn’t a friendly conversation. Dorothy looked at him in surprise, then composed her expression and shrugged carelessly, giving him an innocent smile.

“Yes. I just wanted her to know I wasn’t giving up on you. You two aren’t married yet, so it’s only fair she knows she has competition for your affections,” Dorothy explained with a sweet smile, batting her lashes at Ben. “I’m much better for you. I will give you all my attention, as you deserve, while that girl barely gives you the time of day. Everyone knows she broke up with you, Ben. I bet she’s not even pregnant. How desperate can a girl get?”

Ben felt his anger rising. Maybe he had been too nice in the past, but that ended now. Dorothy was delusional. “Hannah says you threatened her and I believe her. Let’s get this straight once and for all. I love Hannah and I am marrying her. She is pregnant with my baby and if I hear you or Betty spreading rumors, there will be hell to pay. I was polite and friendly toward you but I am that way with everyone. Stay away from my fiancée or you will find yourself in trouble. And stop calling me or I will file stalking charges against you.?


He walked out, leaving her standing there in shock, with her mouth gaping open. What a fool he had been. It was a bitter pill to swallow that he hadn’t seen Dorothy’s obsessive behavior earlier. He owed Hannah a big apology. But he knew a simple I’m sorry was not going to fix everything. What a mess!

Chapter Thirteen

Hannah sat at the shelter alone, looking over the financial books. At least one thing in her life was going well. Thanks to Grace being in charge of the volunteer department, they had a lot of helpers coming in. Amy was almost done with veterinarian school and then Hannah could cut her hours to part-time and be home with the baby more often. Ben had Grace deliver her lunch every day and although inside she was touched by his concern, she wasn’t ready to forgive him that easily. He had really broken her heart and a few lunches could not erase that fact. She was resigned to making the best of the rest of her life no matter what happened between her and Ben. Right now she owed it to her baby to give it a good and healthy start to life.

Suddenly, she heard a noise up front. She knew Richard and turned the lights off and locked the doors, as he left earlier. She was sure her heart had stopped beating from fright. She searched her desk and sighed in relief when she found her cell phone. She listened quietly and heard a scraping noise coming from the front door. She slowly crept up to the front office and peeked around the corner. It might be Jackson checking on her. He had made it known he didn’t like her being there all alone at night, especially with all the trouble they had had lately. He made her promise to keep her cell phone on her at all times. This was one time she was glad she followed her brother’s orders.

She saw a figure by the window, but she couldn’t tell who it was. They were dressed in dark clothes with a baseball cap hiding their face. It was late and most people didn’t walk around the streets in the dark. The only thing open at night was the bar, but that was blocks away.

Hannah hurried to the back room and grabbed her cell phone and called the station. Billy usually worked nights. The phone rang and Billy answered. “Bear Creek sheriff’s office.”

“Billy, it’s Hannah,” she whispered, turning off her office light and going through her drawer where she kept a flashlight for emergencies. “I’m at the shelter alone and someone is trying to break in. I can’t see who it is but they are dressed all in black and fiddling with the lock.”

“Shit! I’ll be right there, Hannah. Stay in your office,” he stated, hanging up the phone.

Hannah could feel herself shaking. She thought about her baby. She couldn’t fight off an attacker and possibly harm the baby. She loved him or her so much already. “Don’t worry, baby. Momma will protect you,” she whispered, turning the flashlight on and looking around the office for a weapon. She heard glass break and her heart started racing wildly. All she could find was a broom and vowed to turn her office into an arsenal of weapons for the next time some asshole messed with her. If she had her rifle she sure wouldn’t be back here hiding.

She heard footsteps and raised the broom, the door slowly creaked opened. Hannah was about to strike the intruder when she saw it was Billy standing there with wide eyes.

He stopped in mid-step and said in an amused voice, “A broom?”

Hannah let out her breath and tried to get her heart to calm down, putting the broom down. “It’s all I had back here. If this keeps up, I’m carrying my rifle with me everywhere I go, just like a purse. Did you catch that asshole? I have a few things to say to him or her. I’m getting really tired of this crap.”

He shook his head with regret, walking toward her and grabbed the broom out of her shaking hand. “They took off running as soon as I got here. I was too worried about you alone in here to give chase. I’m sorry, honey, but they broke the door window.”

“At least you got here quickly. I was scared they’d find me in here. Usually I’m not here this late but I was sick all day and got behind on my work,” Hannah said, sitting down and leaning her head on her hands tiredly. “Maybe I should buy myself a handgun and keep it in the drawer.”

“You look pale. Shall I call Ben?” Billy asked, looking worried, and tried to joke with her. “And no guns please, you might shoot me next time. And here I thought the most exciting aspect of this job would be watching the ladies try to flirt their way out of speeding tickets.”

“I imagine they do try to flirt with you anyway. Will you call Jackson? I feel sick,” she said and got up to run to the bathroom, emptying the contents of her stomach out.

When she was done and finished washing up, Billy was there, looking concerned. “Jackson is on his way and he had Gracie call doc.”

“I don’t need a doctor,” Hannah protested, sitting down at her desk and leaning back in her chair, closing her eyes. She still felt weak and her legs felt like wet noodles. “I’m pregnant, not ill. It was the fright of being alone and worried I’d hurt the baby if I had to defend myself.”

Tags: Lee Rose Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025