Claiming Hannah (Bear Creek, Texas) - Page 21

Ben went and got a bottle of water from the break room and opened it, handing it to her. A few seconds later Dr. Wilson arrived with his black bag, looking serious, and headed straight for where Hannah was sitting. He had been the town doctor for years and knew just about everyone. He had a kind, patient nature and that made him well liked in the town.

“I’m sorry Jackson bothered you, doc,” Hannah said, putting her water bottle down on the desk. “I think it was nerves, that’s all.”

“No problem, sweetie. Pregnancy is rough on a woman and with all this added stress, I am worried about you,” Doc said, pulling a chair up next to her. He was an elderly man with gray hair and glasses. He grabbed her wrist gently and took her pulse. “A little fast, but I suppose that’s to be expected with everything that has been going on. I know you’re seeing Dr. Belle in Austin, he’s good. Everything okay?”

Hannah nodded, hating that everyone knew she and Ben were fighting. Dorothy was probably in seventh heaven baking Ben cookies and fawning all over him. She closed her eyes, willing herself not to get more upset than she already was.

“Your cheeks are red and you feel a little warm,” he observed, touching her forehead. “Do you have a headache? Feeling weak?”

Hannah nodded. “All of the above.”

Jackson and Grace came rushing in at that moment. Jackson looked angry but Grace ran straight for Hannah, hugging her tightly and looking scared. “Oh, Hannah. I am so glad you’re okay. She is okay, right doc? Should we go to a hospital?”

Hannah tried to smile, but couldn’t muster up the energy. She felt the weariness all the way down to her soul. “No hospitals, Grace. I was just scared and that’s why I threw up. A good night’s sleep and I’ll be okay.”

Doc looked a little worried. “Hannah, I’m worried about your blood pressure going sky high with all this stress. The headaches and dizziness are signs of that. Promise me you will call Dr. Belle in the morning and tell him what is going on. This is serious stuff, young lady, and could harm the baby.”

Grace gasped, hugging Hannah tighter, her eyes filled with tears. “I’ll make sure she does, doc, and I’ll take her to Austin myself if I have to.”

Doc took Jackson aside to talk to him. Billy leaned down and grabbed Hannah’s hand gently, looking at her pale face. “I’ll board up the door myself, little momma, so don’t you worry about that. Now let Gracie take you home and spoil you rotten. Just don’t let her bake you anything. She made me charbroiled brownies once when I had the flu and I felt obligated to eat them and got worse.”

Grace pushed her cousin’s shoulder and laughed. “I was thirteen and forgot about them being in the oven because I was talking to Sam Jensen on the phone. He was dreamy.”

Hannah laughed at them. “Thanks, Billy, and I won’t let her near the oven, I promise.”

“Hey now,” Grace joked, helping Hannah stand up and putting her arm around Hannah’s shoulders as they walked out of Hannah’s office. Jackson walked up to them and kissed his sister’s cheek with a grim expression on his face. “Grace will drive you home and promise me you will go straight to bed and not worry. I’ll help Billy board up here.”

Hannah nodded and hated the fact that her brother was worried. He had always been the one to take care of her. She was a grown woman yet here she stood, pregnant and her life in shambles. She followed Grace out to the truck, feeling tired and depressed. How had everything gone from so promising to so messed up? The night air was still warm despite it being late September and Hannah just wanted to shower and fall into bed and lose herself in a good night’s sleep. Ben drove up at that moment and Hannah groaned. “I can’t talk to him right now, Grace. I’m too upset.”

Grace opened the truck door and waited for Hannah to get in. A determined and fierce look appeared on her face. “You don’t have to. Jackson and Billy can inform him on what happened.” She closed the truck door and guarded it fiercely as Ben walked up to the truck, looking for Hannah.

“What happened?” he asked, a worried look on his face. He looked in the truck for Hannah, who was leaning against the passenger seat with her head back and her eyes closed. “What’s wrong with Hannah?”

“Billy and Jackson will tell you, Ben. Hannah is sick and I’m taking her home to bed,” Grace explained firmly with anger in her eyes. Jackson and Billy walked out at that moment and spotted Ben standing by Grace, but Grace was acting fiercer than a mama grizzly bear protecting her cub.

“Come inside, Ben, and we’ll tell you what happened,” Jackson said firmly, his hands on his hip.

Ben nodded barely glancing at him. “Okay, but I need to talk to Hannah first.”

Jackson shook his head in denial. “She w

as sick a few minutes ago. Doc was here and told her to go home and get into bed. She can’t take anymore upsets right now, so just let her go.”

“I’m not going to upset her, Jackson!” Ben yelled, turning toward him. “I just want to talk to her. I’m worried about her.”

“Well, talk to me because I have plenty to say to you.” He nodded his head at Grace, giving her the signal to go.

Ben felt angry as Grace drove away in Hannah’s truck. “What is your problem, Jackson? Billy, you should have called me right away.”

“I was going to, boss, just haven’t had a chance yet,” Billy answered, looking at Jackson and Ben’s angry expressions. “Um, I’m going to get some wood for the door.” He left before the two started fighting.

Ben stood there glaring at Jackson. Jackson explained that someone had tried to break in while Hannah was there but Billy spooked them off. “Hannah was shaky and ill, so I called doc. He is very worried about her health and the baby’s.”

“So why wouldn’t you let me talk to her? That is my baby she is carrying, Jackson,” he yelled out in frustration at the whole situation. Everything was snowballing out of control and he didn’t like the feeling one bit. He felt helpless and just wanted to fix everything but everyone was hell bent on protecting Hannah from him when she didn’t need to be protected.

“Doc said all the stress Hannah is going through is not good for her or the baby. I blame you, Ben. You continue to defend that crazy woman who follows you around like a puppy. Now people are spreading rumors around town that Hannah faked a pregnancy to trap you. If I ever get proof she is the one harassing Hannah and you still defend her, I will kick your ass, sheriff or not!” Jackson yelled back angrily. “I thought you genuinely cared for my sister but look at all this shit that is happening while you stand there with your head up your ass.”

Ben sighed, putting his face in his hands and rubbing his face tiredly. He hadn’t slept well in the last couple of days. “Okay, Jackson, I do take the blame for all this. My eyes toward Dorothy are opened now. I was a stupid, blind fool and I admit that. I have no proof Dorothy is responsible but I swear if I find it her ass will be sitting in a jail cell. I fucked up big time with Hannah but I love that girl, I always have. I need the chance to make it all better.”

Tags: Lee Rose Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025