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Promises Part 4 (Bounty Hunters 4)

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“I don’t have much company. Thank goodness liquor doesn’t go bad, right?” Brian’s eyes held no humor.

Sway walked back across the plaid area rug and nodded. “You read a lot?”

“I never was big on television. When I was young my dad didn’t allow us to have one. Besides, I don’t like today’s television, so I usually read.”

“I watch a couple old sitcoms, not much else. I guess I don’t much like today’s television either.” Sway held his hands out. “This room is the…great room?”

Brian blinked and threw up one hand, signing. “Library.”

Sway barked a laugh and ducked his head. “Right. All the books. I thought you—”

Brian pointed over his shoulder. “Great room is down the hall from the garage. It has a partition in front of it.”

Sway took Brian’s hand this time. “Lead the way.”

Brian made a left and opened the one door at the end of the hall. “Guest bath.”

It was nice. Clean and ready to receive guests. Sway guessed Brian must have a cleaning lady. He didn’t even see streaks on the mirror.

Brian turned and led them up the hall, and into the entry leading to the foyer. The kitchen was off to the right. He’d already noted the dining area and the obvious renovations in the kitchen. The stove and appliances weren’t the newest on the market, but they were a lot fancier than his. Brian slid open the patio door and walked them out onto the deck. He pointed out that the deck went all the way around the house and ended at his bedroom.

“Promise we’ll sit out here soon,” Sway demanded. He loved the romantic idea of sitting under those strings of lights, tucked under Brian’s heavy arm, while watching the fire’s flame reflect off his irises like black diamonds.

Soon. Brian answered with his eyes.

There was a sitting room, another bathroom, a den that Sway lingered in the longest because it was that awesome. Everything in that room spoke of Brian. The awards, the medals, the plaques, the pictures. Jesus Christ. Is that the White House? Brian let Sway take it all in. Marvel at his brilliance, his stunning bravery. Sway’s gaze moved across the entertainment center staring in awe. Then he saw them. An eight by ten of what looked to be twelve men. They weren’t in standard US military uniforms. They were in dark pants, dark shirts, some had long tunics on. They all had scraggily beards, and headdresses on, like the native men wore over there. Sway found himself stroking his fingertip over the tall one standing in the last row with eyes darker than any of the others. Was that them? Was it okay for him to speak about it?

Sway felt Brian behind him. Timid hands eased around his waist and clamped together across his stomach. He automatically tilted his head to the side and let Brian find that place behind his ear he seemed to like so much. He didn’t speak about the pictures. There’d be more time later, because he wasn’t going anywhere.

The rest of the house was just as nice. The great room wasn’t quite finished either, but Brian said he hoped that it would be like a family room. Sway hid his smile by chewing on his bottom lip. Family sounded nice. When he finally broke down and asked if Brian had a decorator or cleaning lady, he’d confessed to using catalogs and online images to furnish the rooms. That he really couldn’t take credit when he’d literally copied each idea someone else had already designed. Sway stood there in the Asian inspired room shaking his head disbelievingly. Until Brian pulled up a Pinterest pin and showed Sway the exact same room in the image that he was currently standing in—even down to the types of throw pillows—he thought he’d never stop laughing. Brian was something.

After the tour was over—minus the garage—they went back to the kitchen and Brian started a pot of coffee that smelled so heavenly Sway couldn’t wait for the entire pot to finish brewing before he was up and standing in front of the maker, tapping his mug impatiently.

Brian turned to face him, leaning against the counter. Sway took that as an invitation. Besides, Brian couldn’t walk around in a thin T-shirt, commando, with low-riding sweats on and not expect Sway to react at some point. Instead of treating Brian like a fragile-minded child who needed to be handled with kid gloves, he stepped between those nice thighs and made his want evident.

Sway tilted his head up and licked his lips. He wanted Brian’s mouth on him and not chastely. Brian ran one hand through Sway’s hair, stopping at the nape of his neck. He felt delicious pressure and then a tug and Sway’s mouth was against his. The pressure was just right. Brian tilted Sway’s head, and eased his tongue past his lips, taking his precious time. Sway noticed Brian never moved at a frantic pace. He enjoyed and savored. And that’s exactly what he was doing to Sway’s mouth with that kiss. Sway leaned in harder and ran his hands up those defined arms, moaning with each new muscle group he crossed.

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