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Promises Part 4 (Bounty Hunters 4)

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Brian’s thick chest rumbled with a hushed growl. God, yes. He couldn’t help but tilt his head back farther, letting Brian’s lips vibrate the tender skin over his pulse. He was so demonstrative—every move he made, Sway understood it. Those big hands smoothed up and down his back, his shoulders, and his neck. All neutral zones, as if Brian wasn’t trying to take this too much further. Sway didn’t want to push him if Brian wasn’t ready to be intimate again. He was more than happy to wait until he was. He’d tasted the goods…he knew it’d be worth the wait.

After dessert, they’d talked and conversed over two cups of that delectable coffee. By the time they were done, it was almost midnight and Sway had slid his chair so close until he was almost in Brian’s lap. There was so much to learn and in those few hours, they’d only grazed the surface. However, Sway was completely tapped out.

“I’m tired,” he whispered, resting his head on Brian’s shoulder.

Brian stood and held his hand out again. Sway didn’t mind Brian leading him, he preferred it. When he was in bed, Brian left, presumably to lock up and turn out all the lights. By the time he returned, Sway was nestled comfortably under the covers, waiting. Sway pulled the heavy comforter down after Brian stoked the fire. He didn’t remove his clothes and Sway had stayed in his lounging pants to sleep. Regardless of the thin layers between them, when Brian pulled Sway flush against him, the feeling was so intense they both trembled.

They were lying on their sides facing each other, Brian lightly fingering the fine hairs on his neck. Sway wedged his leg between Brian’s and tucked his arm against their chests. Sway lifted his head and rubbed his mouth against the raised scars along Brian’s throat. He thought he’d tense when Sway placed a delicate kiss on them, but he was comforted to feel Brian’s entire body relax.

Brian kissed the top of Sway’s head, lingering a moment before he rested his cheek there.

“Good night,” Sway whispered back.

“Ahhh! Look at what the cat dragged in!” Tweetie yelled from next door. “Someone looks like they had a good time. I just came home to grab me another Dr. Pepper. I’ll be right back. Sam is already in there. Don’t you tell your momma a thing, I want all the details first!”

Tweetie let her screen door slam shut. Sway stood with his mouth hanging open, his car door only half closed. He glanced across the street and saw the two elderly men who came out with their newspapers every morning giving him sly grins. Sway’s face had to be fifty shades of red. Did the entire neighborhood have to know he was just getting home? Gotta love the south.

Sway grabbed his book bag and hurried into the apartment. He had just enough time to shower and change before he had to be back at Brian’s. He had the entire day off and when he woke in the man’s arms this morning to find him staring quietly at him, he’d known exactly how he’d wanted to spend that time.

Sway rushed down the hall to his room to drop off his bag. His mom called after him before he had a chance to get into the bathroom. “One sec. I’ll be right out, Mom!”

“Hiya Sway.” His name was sing-songed from the kitchen.

Sway winced. He knew that sappy voice. It was his mom’s stand-in nurse. Since Tweetie had worked respite last night, she didn’t have to report in in the morning. Anytime Tweetie was off, or took a personal day, Sam was her replacement. Sam had been a runaway at sixteen, to avoid going into the system after his mom had died of a drug overdose right in front of him. Being homeless and gay on Atlanta’s streets was dangerous. The young man had some real horror stories and some inspiring testimonials, but he was one aggressive tomcat when he saw what he wanted. And he’d made it clear months ago that he wanted Sway in every capacity he could get him. Sway had persistently reasoned that he couldn’t go out with someone who worked for him. Regardless that Sam wasn’t there to care for him, he was still employed in Sway’s home and he didn’t believe in creating an uncomfortable environment. However, Sam was relentless. No matter how many times Sway turned him down, he kept coming right back.

Sway adjusted the knobs on the shower, letting the water heat up before he stepped into the small tub. A smile quickly spread across his face when he’d thought about showering at Brian’s. He would’ve if they hadn’t lain in bed until the absolute last minute. He’d needed to get home and check on his mom, since Tweetie’s shift ended at seven.

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