Promises Part 4 (Bounty Hunters 4) - Page 97

“Look at me,” Sway whispered sternly.

Brian cracked his eyes open, not wanting to accept defeat. One look at Sway’s face and Brian knew he hadn’t uttered one sound. Not even a hiss of the first syllable in his name. He felt warm hands on his cheeks.

“You can’t force it, Brian.” Sway peered up at him through long brown lashes, effectively moving Brian’s thoughts from speaking to something else. Sway held on tighter and lifted one thigh on Brian’s waist. Holding on to the back of his neck, Sway lifted the other leg and climbed Brian’s six-foot-three frame like a tree. He wound his body against Brian’s torso, speaking in the soft huskiness that turned Brian mad, “Just like last night. Let it come naturally.”

Brian’s arms instinctively hooked around Sway’s back, but he didn’t exactly need holding in place. Sway’s thighs were strong and constricting his waist, his growing erection stabbing Brian in his abs. The temperature in the cramped office went from comfortable to sun-surface hot in seconds. So fast that the rush of blood to his groin made him dizzy. Brian attacked Sway’s mouth, walking them forward until he slammed them against the wall. Sway gasped, and Brian prayed no one barged in. Maybe they’d assume Sway had knocked over his file cabinet. That… or he had a battering ram in there.

Brian moaned and easily dug both hands inside Sway’s thin scrubs. His ass was pliable and hot in his rough palms. He wanted inside again, already, as if he hadn’t just been there less than twelve hours ago.

“Damn, Brian.” Sway ground against him harder when Brian’s finger grazed his hole. “I’ve always wanted to do this.”

Brian smiled against Sway’s jaw, biting and scrubbing his beard along his chin. Midday office rendezvous were always attractive and sexy when seen on television, but things didn’t always go so smoothly in the real world. Brian had to rein it in. Somehow.

“I gotta stop. Fuck. Brian, okay, okay,” Sway gasped as Brian slowly withdrew his hands and lowered him to the floor. “I got so much to do, and the hours go by fast. I wouldn’t be surprised if Dr. Chauncey knocks on the door in the next five minutes.”

Brian inched away and let Sway straighten his baby blue scrubs. His hard cock was so noticeable behind the thin material, it was funny. Brian licked his lips. I can drop to my knees and—”

“Forget about it,” Sway said, shaking his head, while tightening his drawstring. “I’ll never be able to get any work done in here again if you did that. All I’d see is you in that one spot doing—”

Brian sneered. Sway really did hear him just fine.

“So, we’re fine, yes?” Sway looked up at him hopefully.

“Yes.” Brian propped his hip on the corner of Sway’s desk, while he fixed his hair in the small square mirror hanging beside the door. “Also, I wanted to let you know work will be crazy—”

“Hold on. I’m not that good. I can’t watch you sign in a mirror. Hold on.” Sway finished taming his wavy hair and turned to face him.

“I was saying, work is going to be hectic for a bit.”


“Meaning, Duke has us on a lock down window. Basically, three to midnight.” There was no need to go into too many details about the recovery with Sway. “Being that you don’t get off until afternoon, we may not have much time together this week. I’m not sure exactly when the lock will release.”

“Those are shitty hours to force someone to keep open… for an undetermined amount of time. Why don’t ya’ll just go get him now?”

Brian paused. Is he serious? Sometimes, Sway made it too easy to tease him.

“You’re a genius, Sway.” Brian feigned like his boyfriend had the best idea ever. “Why didn’t I think of that? Of course. Just go get him.”

“Are you making fun of me?” Sway glared.

“Hell yeah, I am. Baby, if I knew exactly where he was, the exact room… we’d go get him. But, we can’t just kick in random hotel doors.”

“Why? Because it’s illegal?”

“No,” Brian smirked. “Because they’re expensive as shit. We have to pay for all damages. So, we wait for good intel. It’s part of the job, Sway. They’re called jumpers for a reason. This is just how it is sometimes.”

“I know. I’m just greedy. I don’t want to wait… but I will.”

“It shouldn’t be too long. A week, tops. Then…” Brian pulled Sway to him, making him grin despite the news he’d just heard. “Then, I’m on vacation.”

Sway’s eyes brightened. “Really?”

“Yeah. I know you won’t be. And I know the trial is very demanding, but I’ll be home, resting, relaxed.” Brian gave him a chaste kiss. “Waiting on you to come to me.”

“Mmm.” Sway lifted his head higher, seeking more. Baiting him with that sultry voice, “Waiting for me to come do what?”

Tags: A.E. Via Bounty Hunters Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024