Vanished in Chicago (Vanished) - Page 11

She licks her lips as she contemplates my words. I hardly feel the bullet whizz past me through the window, grazing my ear as she calls my bluff and shoots off a round. Fuck that made my cock leak. She has got more balls than half the men in my Org. Her smirk slips when she sees I don’t flinch. I feel the rumble under my feet of my men running down the hall and then the red dot shows up on her chest, aimed at her heart. “Postój.” I order my men to halt outside the door, signaling with my hand in front of the window for my sniper to stand down. “You see now?” I ask her as fear takes over her face when she sees the dot herself. “There is no way this ends without you being hurt if you don’t put the gun down.”

Her hand shakes and her body stills. I know the minute she decides to surrender. Her shoulders sag and she leans against the door. Her hand drops and she holds the gun out for me to take. “Such a brave, good girl.” I stalk over to her, slowly taking the gun from her, ensuring it is aimed down.

The moment it is in my hand, my other hand grips the back of her head and pulls her mouth to mine. At first, she pushes against me, not much, but my girl is a fighter. My tongue, undeterred, licks against the seam of her mouth. At some point she stops pushing and begins pulling my shirt. Gotcha baby. When her tongue plays peek-a-boo with mine, I anchor her to the door and let her feel what our little dance then and now has done to me. “Shit. I knew you would taste like corner store candy. Such a sweet little Tink.” I tell her before sucking more of her tongue into my mouth. “See what our little exercise did to me. Should I just push you to your knees and make you bathe my cock in your mouth as an apology. You’d like that wouldn’t you?” She tries to hold in a moan but fails. I hear it at the back of her throat while I show her how I like to be kissed.

Her innocence is not lost on me. She kisses like an untouched princess and everything about it excites me knowing I am going to be the one to teach her everything. I managed to control myself on the outside when we spent time together, but here, in our home, our room, all control is lost. My dick, the unruly fuck, pushes into her stomach since she barley comes to neck and her body stiffens. When she pulls back from my mouth and begins pushing against me once more remembering she is supposed to fight me, I give her the space, satisfied, knowing she feels it as well. Her hand comes to her mouth, the look of wonder and confusion on her face a badge for my ego.

“Don’t do that again.” She orders me like a little girl used to having men under her boot.

“No promises, Princess. Now that I have tasted your sweet mouth, I am going to come back for more.” Her cute doe eyes, wide as saucers, look at me and then she blushes and drops her head. Clapping my hands, I get her attention. “Now, are you hungry mala wrózka?” Her eyes glare at me. She puts her hand on her hip.

“What did you just call me?”

“Ah, that is for me to know and you to find out. Come.” I open the door and all of my men are positioned with their hands on their guns, menace in their eyes. “Spokój.” Calm I tell them letting them know the danger has passed. I glance behind me and note she is stuck in the room eyes big, the position she is in finally real to her. “Come, Chiara. As long as you are beside me nothing will happen.” I open my arms, giving her room to walk. My hand doesn’t behave and spanks her delectable ass as she passes me, before squeaking and running down the stairs.

Once in the kitchen, my men gather in the room and wait for their orders. “Gentleman, please meet Chiara DeSantis. She will be our guest for…the foreseeable future.” She pivots in my face, her mouth opens to speak, but I hold my hand up and raise my eyebrow, hoping she gets the warning because I don’t need this shit. Not in front of my men.

“Boss, no disrespect, but aren’t you supposed to be bartering for her release.” I turn to face Georgei, the one who has been bold enough to question my every move since I was placed in this position. I have excused his…disrespect because I love his bravado and to his credit, he has not been foolish enough to do so in front of the other men. Seems today is the day. I watch as the other men in the room squirm, their gazes never leaving mine, but their bodies are taught and firm, knowing a serious misstep has been made.

Tags: ChaShiree M Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024