Vanished in Chicago (Vanished) - Page 12

“You start the sentence off with no disrespect like I am some sort of…schmuck, but then disrespect me in the same breath. Tell me Georgei, what should I do about this? I am not going to answer your question because I do not answer to YOU.” I scream into his face.

“Mikolaj...” At my father’s name, everything clicks into place. He has been using him to gain insight into my power. My grandfather propelling me to the top has not set well with him and so, he is finding loyalty inside of my men. Very well. I don’t speak. I don’t respond to his blatant middle finger in my face. I simply grab the gun from one of the other men’s belts and drop him on the kitchen floor. The loud gasp comes from my Tink, who had to witness this, makes me flinch, but I am not sorry. Let her see who she will soon be welcoming between her legs.

“Looks like I missed the party.” Zef says as he walks into the room. His eyes meet mine, asking me if I need anything from him, but I turn to the remaining men in the room.

“Anyone else have anything they would like to question me on? Any information you want to give me from my father? Any inkling you want to convey showing your loyalty is to him and not to me? If so, let’s get it over with now because I swear to you, it will end the same no matter how long you wait to show me.” When no one says anything, I turn to my future wife. Looking over my shoulder I simply say ‘cleaner’. All heads nod. “Seeing as how dinner in the house was ruined, what do you say we go out for dinner, Zona?” Her eyes get bright at my idea. I smirk knowing she must be formulating a plan of escape. Good luck, Tink.



There is something wrong with me. I mean besides the fact that I have been kidnapped by a violent, hot, delicious looking mobster who has been stalking me. See. Something is wrong with me. I shouldn't be looking at him, sitting beside me, licking my lips thinking naughty thoughts about him, but I am. Hell, when I realized he was stalking me I should have been afraid, but no, my horny ass was turned on. My eyes travel down his pant leg, wondering how much of that bulge is a weapon and how much is a tool. “Are you done checking me out, Tink?” My eyes shoot up to his and I frown at the smile on his face. Crap.

“I don’t know what you're talking about.” I say crossing my arms looking out of the window. I need to keep my eyes from him so I can stop lusting and start trying to figure out how to use this little outing to my advantage. I mean seriously, he killed someone right in front of me like it was nothing and then announced we were going out to dinner. Who the hell is this guy?

I am in no way a princess that is unaware of the violence of this life. I mean shit, my sister fucking beheaded someone in front of me for basically doing the same thing the man in his kitchen did, but all of this seems less ‘Taken’ and more ‘Kept’ or something. If you get what I mean. Honestly, I can’t believe he is bringing me out in the first place. I mean seriously he kidnapped me. Shouldn’t he have me locked in a room, starving, beaten up and hooked on drugs before being sold or something? “I should have fucking made you change.” he mumbles under his breath. I look down at my clothes and I have no idea what he is upset about. I am in a skirt and a cute top. Granted it might not be fancy enough for wherever the hell he is taking me, but hey, that is his problem.

The city whizzes by me in blurs and fast strokes and before I know it, the car is stopped, and someone is opening the door for him. “Mr. Wojcik, welcome back to La Storia. Your table is of course ready for you.” So, he comes here often. It shouldn’t bother me, the idea that he brings hordes of women here all the time, but deep in my gut, in the place where I can ignore it, it does bother me. I need to get away from him before I get Stockholm or something.

As soon as we step in, I clock the exits I can see and try to look for anyone who might help me. I see families and businessmen. I notice a bathroom to the left for women, near the kitchen. That looks promising. My mind begins formulating a plan when I see a bunch of henchy looking men posting up along the walls of the exits and in front of the kitchen checking everyone as they come and go. Well shit. Ok. Plan B.

Tags: ChaShiree M Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024