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The Heart of Us (Love in Isolation 4)

Page 42

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Easton’s smile is contagious. “That’s amazing news, but you don’t look happy.”

“Something is going on. I’m glad he’ll be going back to Nebraska because the restraining order only lasts two weeks. I’m just apprehensive because Justin knows how to manipulate and control me, even from afar. This could be one giant plan to trick me or—”

“Tatum. If I’ve learned anything over the past decade, it’s not to worry about things you can’t control. Otherwise, you get so caught up in it that it consumes you. When my brother was injured, I drove myself mad wondering if he was going to die. Finally, I told myself to take it one day at a time, that it was something I couldn’t control, and there was nothing I could do besides support him. So for now, let’s assume it’s legit but stay guarded and prepared in the event it’s not.”

I release a breath and nod. “You’re right. I just think about how close I am to really being free and starting over. Things in my past haven’t typically worked out in my favor, so I guess I’m jaded in a sense. Jaded to being happy because the rug has been pulled out from under me too many times to even get excited anymore.”

His brows furrow. “That makes me sad.”

I take the opportunity to drink more tea. “I know, but I can’t help it. Justin has made me this way. I’m always on the defense waiting for the next punch because I feel like one is always coming.”

“One day, you’ll look back at this and realize how much you’ve grown and how strong you are to have made it to the other side of this craziness.”

“I hope you’re right.”

He takes a step closer. “It’s a bet I’d be willing to make.”

“Not one I’d take. I may not get excited about the future or believe good things happen, but I can’t bet against myself. That would be ridiculous.”

“Because you know it’s true.”

My face cracks into a smile. “It is.”

“Eventually, the clouds will move away, and you’ll be able to see blue skies. This situation you’re in isn’t forever. It’s just for right now. And next week, once those papers are signed and processed, you’ll be able to start fresh.”

“That’s the dream. And honestly, I am happy that Justin will be meeting with them because that means he won’t be here.” I look down and see Easton’s holding his laptop. “Going to do some work?”

“Yeah, I thought I’d catch up on some emails. I know the adjuster needed me to send something over, and I’ve been trying to place orders with my vendors to be delivered in a few months.”

I meet his eyes. “When the shop is rebuilt, it’s going to be crazy trying to get everything set up and running again.”

“I know, but...” He taps his temple. “I’m not worrying about the future. Just the things I can control right now.”

I laugh. “Yeah, yeah. I just think it’s in my DNA to worry, but I’m going to try to do better. When I find myself stressed, I’m going to focus on my breathing. I honestly didn’t realize I was doing that until about five minutes ago when you pointed it out. It’s almost like you notice things that I don’t. I’m not used to having someone care about me.”

His eyes soften again. “I care about you more than you know. I’m here for you and I’ve been told that I’m a good listener, though I am a smart-ass sometimes.”

“Thank you, Easton. I appreciate that.”

He plops down on the couch and opens his screen. I finish my tea and rinse out the mug.

“I think I’m going to soak up some rays. Get in some yoga and meditation,” I admit, feeling the tension in my neck.

“I’ll be watching from here,” he teases.

I go upstairs to change into some leggings and a tank top. Considering it’s the end of June, it’s hot as hell outside, but I love it so much.

After I’m dressed, I grab a towel and my iPad, then head outside. Feeling the warm breeze against my skin and hearing the distant waves crash in the ocean is like having my own oasis. Being here with Easton really is like a paradise. One I didn’t know I needed until now.

I stretch first, then open an app that goes through different yoga poses with calming music. It has a countdown that makes it easy to follow.

I picked a thirty-minute workout, which didn’t sound like a lot, but halfway through, my muscles are burning. Basic yoga was too easy. Intermediate had me sweating, but today, I chose advanced. Not sure what I was thinking. My limbs are like spaghetti noodles by the time I’m done. But I’m more relaxed than I was when I started.

Afterward, I turn on a guided meditation video and get lost in my breathing. Each time my mind wanders, the instructor pulls me back to my center. I try to stay focused and follow the instructions. When it ends with a namaste, I lie back on the towel and watch the fluffy clouds slowly drift overhead. The conversation I had with Easton repeats in my head, and I don’t know what I did in my past life to deserve someone like him.

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