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The Heart of Us (Love in Isolation 4)

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There have been times when I’ve wanted to cross the line, where my body has begged to feel his strong, warm hands, but I’ve resisted. Am I even ready to be in a relationship? The last thing I need is a rebound or another messy breakup.

“There I go,” I mutter to myself, worrying about things for no reason. I suck in a deep breath and slowly let it out, regaining control of my thoughts again. Somehow, they drift back to Easton and those green eyes that pierce straight through me. I don’t know how it’s possible for him to know me so well in such little time. But I appreciate it in ways that I could never fully explain to him. I think he knows that, though.

After a couple of hours outside, I decide to go in.

“How was it?” Easton asks.

“Great. I feel a million times better,” I admit. “But now I smell. I think I’m gonna take a bath.”

“Okay, enjoy yourself.”

I look at the clock and see it’s just past six. I take my iPad and prop it up on the counter to watch a movie. After I add some honey bubble bath, I undress and slide inside. A laugh escapes me as Adam Sandler talks about nudie magazine day in Billy Madison.

I’m so relaxed that I nearly fall asleep. Eventually, the water turns lukewarm, and my fingers prune. Though the credits haven’t started running yet, I know I’m at the end of the movie, which means I’ve been in here for over an hour.

Once I’m out, I throw my hair into a high bun and put on a sundress. My stomach growls, and I realize I haven’t eaten since lunch. As I go downstairs, I realize the lights are dimmed, and there are lit candles on the table. Next to the white plates are cloth napkins and silverware.

My mouth drops when I see Easton leaning against the counter, dressed in a button-up and slacks. He flashes me that boyish grin that always makes my body hot.

“What’s going on?” I ask, looking around at everything.

He takes a few steps forward, and I can’t help the way my eyes wander down his clothes. I honestly never thought any man was perfect until him. “Thought we’d have a date night. The way you always deserved to experience. Since you haven’t, I wanted to give you one.”


He walks over to the table and pulls out one of the chairs for me to sit. My nerves begin to get the best of me, but I don’t know why. We’re friends. We’ve known each other for months. I should feel comfortable, but this seems real, like there’s something deeper behind it.

“I wanted to do something special for you.” He picks up a small remote, and soft music plays on the surround sound. Easton goes to the kitchen and pulls out a pan of lasagna. He carries it to the table and puts a hefty portion on each of our plates. “Don’t worry, I made dessert too.”

I chuckle. “I wasn’t upstairs that long. How did you manage to pull all of this off?”

“Planning makes perfect,” he admits, sitting down in front of me. The flames dance, casting shadows on his face, and I love the way he’s looking at me.

“If I’d had known, I would’ve dressed up,” I say, feeling completely out of place.

“You look beautiful, Tatum. I think you’re dressed perfectly.”

“Thank you,” I admit, heat meeting my cheeks. I’m glad the lights are dim so he can’t see how much he affects me.

I pick up my fork and cut into the steaming lasagna. “I can’t believe you cooked something as gorgeous as this. It’s perfect.”

“What if I told you the meat inside is Spam?”

I set my fork down, and Easton bursts into a hearty laugh.

“It’s not,” he says. “I promise. But the look on your face. Priceless.”

I meet his eyes, not fully believing him.

“I swear,” he offers, blowing on a bite before he pops it in his mouth.

I follow his lead, and my eyes widen when I taste the amazing flavors. “This is…incredible.”

“It’s my mother’s recipe. When I was younger, it was a tradition we had together. I learned how to make the noodles from scratch. Brought back a lot of good memories when I was preparing them tonight.”

“I can’t believe this is homemade.”

“I actually made the dough yesterday and hid it in a drawer. I was worried you’d find it and ask what it was. Glad you didn’t, though. I love surprising you.”

I want to inhale the plate in front of me but take my time, enjoying Easton’s company.

“Will you teach me one day?” I press the napkins to my lips.

“Absolutely. It’s a process, but one that’s worth it.”

“It’s so good.” I chuckle.

“What?” he asks, taking a sip of his wine.

“I just can’t believe you cooked this. Maybe you’ve been holding out on me this entire time, and you’re secretly a chef.”

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