Sway (Landry Family 1) - Page 120


My face hurts from the pseudo-smile plastered across my cheeks. I don’t let it slip despite the discomfort because if I allow a crack in the veneer, I know I won’t be able to get it back. Although I’ve had to fake it a million times before, I’ve never had to put it on like this.

A man that’s been waiting to talk to me for over an hour finally makes his way to my table. My food is untouched, my wine still full, as I gather my wits to entertain another possible voter.

Every part of me wants to leave, not a single thread of entertainment or desire to be here exists. I typically enjoy these little events. But not tonight.

Tonight I want to be at a little house across town, sitting on a tattered sofa in sweatpants, making sure Huxley is okay. I want my arm wrapped around Alison, my eyes on Hux as he sits on the little black beanbag chair in the corner he loves, and ensure that they are well and happy. Instead, I’m sitting at this ridiculous event waiting on the bald-headed man to approach my table.

“How are you, Mr. Landry?” he asks, extending his hand. We shake and I steady my features.

“Good, thank you. How are you?”

He begins chatting away about a project important to his district, just like everyone does. I try to zero in on what he’s saying, gather a fuck or two, but when Daphne’s arm lies against my shoulder and I hear her high-pitched laugh beside me, all my efforts dissolve.

My head feels like it’s going to explode and I scan the room for Nolan. Every minute that passes, every second that ticks, is another moment I’ve gone through this charade.

Looking at Daphne by my side, not Alison, it swamps me how ridiculous this is. How ridiculous I am. Is this what I’ve turned out to be?

“If you can excuse me,” I say to baldy, “I have something I need to take care of.”

“No worries, Mayor. I just wanted to extend my congratulations on a job well done. Savannah will hate to lose you to the state, but it’s with pride we watch you go.”

I chuckle, pushing back my seat. “Nothing’s definite yet.”

“It will be, especially after that glowing endorsement from Monroe tonight,” he grins. “You’re a superstar waiting to happen on the national scale, Landry. Such a man to do things your way and not let the actual politics change you. It’s an honor to support you.”

My gaze follows him, my breathing strangled, as I watch him walk away. If he only knew how much of what he said isn’t true.

Daphne’s touch brings me back to the present. When I look at her, she’s watching me with her sweetest smile.

“Need me to accompany you?” she asks, batting her eyelashes.

“Yes, actually,” I say, taking her hand and helping her to her feet. “Let’s get out of here. I’ve had enough of this for one night.”

Her grin tells me she completely misunderstands my point, but I’m not setting her straight here, not in front of everyone.

We head through the venue, stopping briefly to shake a hand every few feet, until I spot Nolan against the wall. He quirks a brow.

“We’re getting out of here,” I say, motioning at Daphne.

Nolan stands. “Typically, I’d hate for you to bow out of an event early, but considering the circumstances . . .” He reaches in his pocket and pulls out my cell. “Here you go. Have an enjoyable night.”

I immediately press the power button on my phone and go straight to my texts and shoot one to Troy to pick me up.

A scorching anger starts to boil in my gut, the feeling I’ve been trying to contain all night threatening to spill over.

“You are both complete assholes for setting this up,” I fire to the two of them, my voice a little louder than I would like.

“No,” Daphne fires back, “we remember who you are. We haven’t forgotten all the things that are important to you because we aren’t brainwashed by some piece of ass.”

“Daphne, shut up,” I hiss. Turning to my manager, I shoot him an icy glare. “I will call you tomorrow to discuss this.”

He just grins. “Well, I happen to side with Ms. Monroe. You might not have liked our tactics, but this worked. Did you see the reception of the two of you? How well you were received tonight? You play off each other seamlessly, and tonight was just what we needed. It was priceless, Barrett.”

Clenching my teeth, I say, “It might’ve fucking worked for whatever scheme you were trying to play. But God as my witness, Nolan, this conversation isn’t over. I’m just not having it here.”

Grabbing Daphne’s hand, I guide her to the front door as hastily as possible. I don’t want to take her with me, but I sure as shit can’t leave her here. That would look bad and who knows what she’d do or say.

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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