Sway (Landry Family 1) - Page 121

Fuck these people and fuck this day.

It’s time I step to the plate and swing.


The Rover pulls into Daphne's driveway in half the time it should’ve taken. I didn't need to say anything to Troy; the look in my eye must've said it all.

The sky is dark, but the glow from the lights inside the SUV allows me to see Daphne’s eyes. She peers at me, a wicked grin on her face. "I wondered how long it would take you to bring me home. Want to take bets on how long it takes you to get this dress off me? Hell, Barrett. I might just bend over and let you get inside me from behind. I need you, sugar."

I run my hand through my hair. I knew this moment was coming and the argument coming up isn’t one I can avoid. Not any longer. No matter what it does to my campaign or our friendship, the act is over. "Daphne, that’s not going to happen.”

She eyes me curiously and pulls back to get a better look. "Are you sure?" Her words are cocky, a challenge, letting me know that the choice I’m making will affect more than her ass . . . it’ll affect my career.

She’s playing with fire. She thinks she can strong arm me into doing what she wants—her. What she failed to realize is that I’m past the point of giving a shit about her or my career. I just need Ali.

"I’m absolutely sure,” I say, keeping my voice level.

Her grin turns into a smirk. "Is this about the girl?"

"The girl has a name,” I bite out. “But it doesn't matter."

"Oh, it does matter. It matters a lot, and I'm sure you understand that."

"Daphne . . .”

"I’ve given you the benefit of the doubt to get your act together, to stop trying to . . . look like one of them or whatever you’re doing,” she huffs, rolling her eyes. “But if I go inside, alone, I'm going to have a lot of time on my hands . . .”

My jaw drops to the floor. "Are you threatening me?"

I lean away from her, almost not believing what I'm hearing. This is Daphne. The Daphne I fuck because she knows how this shit works. And she's turning on me? I knew she was a loose cannon, but not like this.

"If you fuck up, my father will expose everything you’ve ever done. Remember—I know more about you than nearly anyone. And going down this path, the one of, you know, turning me down for a cheap piece of ass—"

“Shut your fucking mouth,” I say, catching Troy’s glance in the rearview mirror, but I don’t give a shit about his warning. Daphne has crossed a line. “Don’t ever talk about her like that. Don’t talk about her at all. You know nothing about her.”

She smirks, her head held high. "This is fucking up, Barrett. You might've gotten Daddy’s endorsement tonight, but don't think that will necessarily hold. One little call . . .” She presses her lips together in a pout, like a child wanting a new toy. It’s disgusting.

"You aren't serious right now, Daph."

She shrugs, her hand on the knob. "I know how these things work. Remember that, Barrett. I'm not some random chick you're fucking. Just keep in mind I'm not as stupid as you may think. I've been biding my time and making friends on the side. Just consider who I know and who's in my pocket . . . and what I’m capable of."

"What are you even talking about? Why would you do this?"

"I'd do this because I, too, have things I want to accomplish in my life. And I thought we were on the same page. But you're running around with trash now—"

"At the moment," I say, giving her a heavy once over, “I’d have to agree.”

She laughs, her high-pitched trill making my skin crawl. "Fuck you, Barrett.”

“Let’s not forget,” I burn, forcing myself to breathe, “that I know a few of your secrets too. I may even have a few pictures somewhere of you with a white little powder lining your nostrils . . .”

Her eyes dart around the car before landing on me, her knuckles turning white as she squeezes her fists. “You wouldn’t dare.”

“I wouldn’t be able to help it if my phone landed in the wrong hands and those photos ended up public.” I scratch at my chin in faux-thought. “I seem to remember a few, well, we could call them selfies, I suppose, that you sent me from a bathtub . . .”

“Don’t you dare!”

“Then get the fuck out of my car and forget my name. Got it?”

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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