Switch (Landry Family 3) - Page 7

He flashes me a half smile, one that he appears to have to force himself to give, and disappears inside his office again.

The breath comes out heavier than I anticipate as I plop back down in my chair. Waking up my desktop, I wait for my email to open. As referenced, there is one new message in my inbox.

* * *

To: Mallory Sims, Administrative Assistant

From: Graham Landry, CEO

Re: Requirements

Please note the bulleted items below. They are non-negotiable.

Be on time. You must be at your seat, ready to go, by eight a.m., Monday through Friday.

Keep your desk neat. Organization is key.

I will email you a list of daily priorities by eight a.m. each morning. Ensure those tasks are completed before you leave (in addition to what may arise during the day).

My family are the only people allowed in my office without an announcement. Additionally, they’re the only people I may be interrupted for during a meeting.

Please familiarize yourself with the packet of information I left for you under your car keys (which I picked up from the floor and placed on the corner of your desk.)

A simple response to this would be appreciated.


* * *

Is he for real?

Glancing across the desk, there is a set of papers under my keys and I have no idea when he put them there. I’ve been here all day. Turning back to the list, I look it over once more. Before I can hit reply, my inbox dings again. The body of the message is empty; only the “Re:” field has text.

* * *

To: Mallory Sims, Administrative Assistant

From: Graham Landry, CEO

Re: Amend previous email to include: Keep eyes open at desk.

* * *

I’m not sure he’s kidding.

* * *

To: Graham Landry, CEO

From: Mallory Sims, Administrative Assistant

Re: Requirements

That all seems reasonable. I will see you tomorrow. On time.

* * *

“Hey, Kitty.” I greet my kitten with a nuzzle behind her grey ears. “What happened in your world today?”

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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