Switch (Landry Family 3) - Page 78

He clears his throat and looks at the sky. Graham steps forward and puts a hand on his shoulder. It’s then we see a single tear trickle down Lincoln’s cheek.

I dab at my eyes, watching Danielle’s Maid of Honor hand her a tissue and Lincoln get himself together.

“I love you, Dani. I love you more than I ever thought I could love anyone,” he says, his tone heavy with emotion. “You make me a better version of me, even though I didn’t think that was possible.”

Everyone laughs as Lincoln shrugs, his swagger back. “I promise to make this season the best one of our lives.”

He leans in to kiss Danielle, but the pastor puts his hand on Lincoln’s chest. “Not yet, Lincoln.”

Everyone laughs again as Danielle gets Lincoln’s ring and begins to place it on his finger. “I, Ryan Danielle Ashley, take you, Lincoln Harrison Landry, to be my husband. I promise to not only love you, but cherish you forever because I want you to know each and every day how much I adore you. I promise to support you in everything you do and be your partner in all your endeavors. I’ll keep fake cheese in the pantry,” she says, her voice cracking, “and do the cooking so you don’t burn the house down. I . . .”

Tears run down her face too quickly for her to finish her sentence. As I soak up mine, I feel Graham looking at me. Flipping my sight to him, his brows are pulled together.

When our eyes meet, his features soften as his eyes widen and he takes a step back, like he’s seen an apparition.

“You okay?” I mouth, feeling my heartbeat pick up.

He nods, a slow smile spreading across his face. Our little moment is halted by a burst of cheers and applause from the crowd.

“I now give you Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Landry!” the pastor announces. “You may now kiss the bride.”

This is usually my favorite part of a wedding. The first few moments of the union, the kiss that seals the deal. But today, all I can do is return Graham’s grin.


MY ENTIRE FAMILY SITS AT a huge rectangular table eating, drinking, and laughing. Some of our friends sit at smaller tables around us or under the tents put up to extend the space.

The stone columns are wound with clear lights, the fireplace that my siblings and I have sat around and told stories on more nights than I can count growing up is lit, giving the area a very intimate touch. Flowers dot the centers of each table, along with remnants of dinner and wine. Lots of wine.

“Come here,” Mallory says from beside me. She reaches up and loosens my tie. She’s done this before and it’s one of my favorite quirks of hers. “There. Is that better?”

“Yes.” I smile at her, the softness of her features made even more beautiful in the soft light of the candle in the center of our table. It occurs to me that I didn’t know it was bothering me to begin with. “It is, actually.”

Her grin widens. “You had that look in your eye.”

“Which one is that?”

“The one that looks like you’re ready to stand up and leave. I figured if you were more comfortable, maybe you would stick around.” She leans in closer. “I think your family would appreciate that.”

I’m sure they would, but I’m antsy. My foot is tapping on the floor, my fingers itching to grab my fork, pick up my glass, smooth my tie. I can’t sit still. I want to get out of here, take Mallory home, and talk to her.

The event planner comes up behind me and taps me on the shoulder, letting me know it’s time to make my speech. I grab Mallory’s hand and give it a gentle squeeze beneath the table and then stand. Within a few seconds, everyone is quiet and watching me.


I have your attention for a few minutes?” I ask the gathering of our loved ones. “As the Best Man, I’d like to say a few words. First of all, I’d like to thank you all, on behalf of my entire family, for coming tonight. This was put together in a complete rush, but we all have come to expect that from Lincoln, haven’t we?”

Everyone laughs as Lincoln voices his objection.

“Even so, it was put together beautifully and I know I speak on behalf of everyone, Danielle, when I say we’re honored to welcome you into our family.”

She raises a glass as Lincoln nestles her under his arm to shouts of celebration.

“Growing up, I got stuck with Linc a lot. Barrett was older and Ford and Linc were oil and water for a bit. That left me to pick him up from practice or drop him off at the field. Because that’s where he always was—playing ball.

“To see him give that up for someone is pretty incredible. It speaks volumes about how he feels about you, Danielle. Thank you for making him happy and straightening him out. And for taking responsibility for his antics now that you’re his wife.”

Everyone laughs again, but I’m distracted by Mallory’s hand on the back of my leg. When I look, my breath is almost whisked away. In the sparkling lights, surrounded by everyone I love, having her look up at me with the sweetest smile on her face hits me in a place I can’t comprehend. It’s a stillness, a satisfied feeling washing over me that I’ve never felt before.

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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