Switch (Landry Family 3) - Page 79

“Congrats, Lincoln and Danielle. Everyone, raise your glass to the bride and groom,” I say, taking my seat as the guests toast the newlyweds. Immediately, I’m grasping under the table for her hand. Once her palm is lying in mine, I find that stillness again.

“You did great,” she whispers in my ear.

Before I can respond, Ford rises from his seat in between our sisters. “I may not be the Best Man, technically, but I’d still like to say a few words.”

“Oh, God,” Linc jokes. “I didn’t pick you, Ford. You don’t get a speech.”

“Yes, you do, Ford,” Danielle laughs. “Don’t listen to him.”

“See? You’re already losing your manhood, Linc,” Barrett points out to everyone’s amusement. Lincoln just shakes his head, but the grin on his face gives him away.

“So, Graham was right. Lincoln and I would fight to the death over a video game or who got the last piece of Mom’s apple pie,” Ford laughs. “But God help the poor soul that messed with one of us.”

“Like Nate Caster. Remember that?” Lincoln bursts out laughing.

“Yeah,” Ford chuckles.

“You boys swore you didn’t do that!” Mom interjects, her mouth falling open. We all laugh as the truth hits her. “You little rascals. I don’t care if you’re married or not. We’re going to talk about this!” She tries to sound authoritative, but can’t quite keep the amusement out of her tone.

Once we’ve all quieted down, Ford continues. “That’s how we roll, Dani. We’re a family in every sense of the word. We’d do anything for each other. I hope you’re ready for that.” He turns his sight on Lincoln again, his face sobering. “Lincoln, my brother, it’s an honor to be here tonight to see you start this next phase of your life. I can’t tell you how proud I am of you. For going after what you want and not letting her walk away. To Dani and Lincoln.”

With a gentle nod and a lump obvious in his throat, he sits down as we all raise our glasses again. Camilla pats his arm as his eyes drop to the floor.

“Is Ford okay?” Mallory whispers in my ear.

“He’ll be fine.” I turn to see the concerned look on her face. “He let a girl go once, before he went overseas. I’m not sure he’s ever gotten over her.”

She starts to respond, but stops when everyone starts laughing. Barrett is rising out of his seat now, a huge grin on his face.

“My turn,” he laughs. “I’ve done a few things in my life that have made me proud. Things I think have made my parents happy.”

“This isn’t about you!” Lincoln shouts. “Keep the focus over here.”

“Give me a second,” Barrett sighs as the wedding planner stands near the fireplace, looking helpless.

“Don’t worry,” I call to her. “I’ll make sure you get a great tip.”

“Thanks,” she says weakly.

The chaos that is the Landry’s is in full effect, everyone talking amongst themselves. A few servers come around with more wine as others cart in a tall wedding cake.

“As I was saying,” Barrett says, quieting everyone, “I think we’ve all made our parents proud. When I won the election last year, or when Ford enlisted in the military. Graham, the golden boy that he is, makes them proud every day.”

Mallory squeezes my hand as I shoot Barrett a look.

“But none of those things make them any prouder than they are right now with Linc choosing a bright, respectable, beautiful woman to be his wife,” Barrett says. “Danielle, you are a wonderful addition to our family. You make our brother happy in ways nothing else ever has.”

“Lincoln,” Barrett continues, “we give you a lot of shit. We tease you and make fun of you and generally try to make your life hell,” he winks. “But I want you to know, watching you over these past few months, I’ve learned more from you than I have from almost anyone. Except Dad. And maybe Graham,” he laughs. “You’ve shown me what it means to go for what you want, how to have courage to jump with both feet and not look back. I’m honored to be your brother and Dani’s now too. Congratulations.”

Barrett tosses a wink at Lincoln who just smirks.

“Huxley?” Barrett says, looking around. “Will you come here for a minute?”

Hux appears next to Barrett wearing a miniature tux just like ours.

“Hey,” Barrett says.


Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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