Switch (Landry Family 3) - Page 80

“Have you had fun today?”


Barrett smiles at the boy. “Have you been listening to what my brothers have been saying tonight? I mean, I know I tell you not to listen to them usually . . .”

Huxley laughs. “Yes. I’ve been listening.”

“Good.” Barrett ruffles Huxley’s hair. “I’ve been thinking. You know I’d do anything for you and your mother, right?”


Mallory gasps beside me, her hand falling to my thigh. I don’t want her to move it, so I place my hand on top of hers as we watch my older brother put into play the plan we made earlier this week.

I watch her out of the corner of my eye. Her eyes fill with tears, a sweet smile on her beautiful lips. The lights hanging behind her head make her look like she’s glowing, and for a split second, I can see her and I in place of Barrett and Alison. I can imagine what Barrett is feeling, the nerves I gave him hell for having. The fear she’ll say no. The hope that he can spend the rest of the life with the woman he can’t replace.

Just like I’m positive I can’t replace Mallory.

“I’d really like to make you and your mother official members of the Landry family,” Barrett says.

“Oh my God,” Alison breathes, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.

Barrett pays her no attention, focused solely on Huxley. “In order to do that, I would have to marry your mother. Do you think it would be okay if I did that? If I married your mom? I need your permission before I ask her.”

Huxley leaps into Barrett’s arms, burying his head in his chest. They have a muffled conversation that no one can hear but the two of them.

Something comes over the room, a feeling so heavy that we all feel it. As I look from one face to the next, most dabbing at their eyes, I finally land on Mallory. She’s watching the display in front of her, one hand on her chest.

I look at this girl, the one that literally fell into my arms, and wonder if I could possibly put her there for good? It’s a crazy possibility, one I’m not sure is even feasible. For good would indicate there’s love there, and while I’m not sure if I’m ready to say that about her and I’m not sure she feels that way about me at all, in

the middle of my family of all things, I’m considering it.

Barrett sets Huxley back on his feet and turns to Alison. He gets down on one knee to gasps from every female in the room.

“Alison, there’s not a chance I’m ever going to let you go. Whatever decisions I have to make in my life, wherever I end up, I want to do them with you and Huxley by my side.”

He extends a small, black box to her and pulls the lid open. She gasps, tears streaming down her cheeks, as she looks at the diamond catching the lights from above.

“Will you and Huxley be mine forever?” Barrett whispers.

She doesn’t answer. Instead, she lunges into his arms to the excited cheers from the family.

“Say yes, Mom!” Huxley shouts, bouncing on the balls of his feet.

Alison pulls back. “Yes!” she shouts.

“Let’s party!” Lincoln shouts as the music is turned up and everyone clamors to their feet.

“Come on,” I say, rising and tugging Mallory’s hand. With a hurried step, I lead her into the night. The air is crisp, the stars shining brightly overhead.

My heart is thundering away, my thoughts going a million miles per second. Pulling in as much fresh air as I can muster, I try to calm the insanity ricocheting through me.

Twirling Mallory around, I draw her into my arms. She hesitates for half a beat before melting into me.

Her head tucked under my chin, I wrap her up and hold her tight. I feel her hands under my suit jacket, pulling me as close to her as she can.

Neither of us speaks. Neither of us moves. We just stand under the starry sky in each other’s arms.

“That was incredible,” she says finally, her breath warm against my shirt. “Your family is amazing, Graham.”

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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