Swing (Landry Family 2) - Page 91

“Trust me, it’s a great story,” Barrett grins like the cat that ate the canary. “Maybe one day I’ll tell you.”

“Stop!” Sienna squeals, her hands over her ears. “I can only guess and I do not want that visual—no offense, Alison.”

Alison laughs, tossing the pillow at Barrett and heads towards the doorway. “I’m going to use the restroom.”

“I bet you are,” Barrett teases her.

Vivian comes back in again and stands by her husband. She seems completely unfazed by the noise level or mess strewn around the room. Shoes, jackets, cups, glasses, notepads and laptops are nearly covering the carpet. If I would’ve seen this picture before, I would’ve cringed. But that was before I experienced it. I get why Vivian loves this so much. I could get used to it too.

“Lincoln,” Harris says to his son. “What day do you and Danielle go back?”

“First thing in the morning. As a matter of fact, we’ll probably be gone before you all get up.”

“Will you be home for Christmas?” Camilla asks. She gives me a sweet smile and I return it. “We have a huge cookie bake on Christmas Eve. We’d love to have you, Danielle.”

Lincoln squeezes my thigh, but I can’t look at him. I’m afraid of all the things I’ll see in his eyes and how I might reciprocate that.

“I’m not sure what I’m doing,” I say truthfully. “The cookie bake sounds fun though.”

“We’ll definitely try to be here,” Lincoln interjects. “You coming, Barrett?”

“Don’t even come if you aren’t engaged, Barrett,” Sienna says, sitting up cross-legged.

“Sienna!” Vivian chastises her.

“What? Alison isn’t in here. I’m not embarrassing her. I’m just saying, time to put a ring on it, brother.”

“I agree.” Camilla sits up too and shrugs. “Ring it, Barrett.”

“Does no one trust me?” he asks, feigning horror. “Besides, little ears are listening.”

Huxley smashes a cookie in his mouth with one hand, his other flying across the video screen on his lap.

“He’s not listening,” Camilla says. “At least tell me you have a ring and tell me it’s vintage.”

“No,” Sienna gasps, looking at her twin like she’s crazy. “Modern, Barrett. Trust me. I have the degree in design.”

“Girls!” Vivian sighs. “Stop. I’m sure Barrett will figure out what’s right for them.”

Sienna rolls her eyes and then looks at me. “Just tell Lincoln when he goes to buy yours to call me. Not Camilla. You don’t want some old thing with a loose gem.”

My cheeks flush and I ignore Lincoln’s gaze from the side. He rubs his hand beneath the back of my shirt, caressing me. I lean into it, but still can’t look at him.

“You’re going to be the death of me,” Vivian says, one hand on her hip. “I’m sorry, Danielle.”

I just laugh. “It’s fine. And for the record, I’m not big on jewelry.”

“So you are talking about getting engaged?” Sienna chirps.

“No,” I say quickly as Lincoln says, “Maybe.”

I look at him and he smirks. “I think it’s a fair topic,” Lincoln shrugs. “Wanna marry me?” he asks, the corner of his lip twitching. “I’m sure my mom and sisters can put something together by the time we leave.”

“Oh my God!” Camilla squeals. “Yes! Let us!”

“No,” I giggle, putting my hands in front of me. “We just met not that long ago. Let’s get to know each other and all that before you go marrying us off.”

Harris clears his throat. “I knew I liked you,” he says, taking one finger off his tumbler and pointing at me. “Level head. Smart. Keep this one, Lincoln.”

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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