Swing (Landry Family 2) - Page 92

“Yeah, not like that one with the fishnets—” Sienna clamps her hand around her mouth.

Lincoln throws his head back and everyone in the room laughs. Even me because his reaction is funny. Whoever fishnet girl was, it’s clear she’s not here and was a joke when she was.

“Sorry,” Sienna cringes.

My hand is tugged as Lincoln stands. “On that note, we are going to bed. I’ll be down later if I can’t sleep. Otherwise, we’ll see you at Christmas.”

We exchange quick hugs and goodbyes with the room. I keep it as fast as possible because it’s obvious Lincoln wants to get out of here, and by the look in his eye, I do too.

Nearly dragging me up the stairs and into our room, I’m thrusted against

the wall before I know what hit me. His gaze sears into mine, heat rolling off his body.

“I need you. Now.” It’s not a question, not a suggestion. It’s an order, one I’m all too happy to oblige.


IT FEELS LIKE WE’VE TRAVELED forever when, in reality, it’s not been an entire day. We left Savannah first thing this morning, before the sun was up. Troy drove us back to the airport and we nearly missed our connecting flight in Atlanta because of fog. By the time we landed in Memphis, we were both completely wiped out.

I flop on my sofa and it’s not two seconds before Lincoln collapses beside me. His head crooks to the side and he grins. “Been a long day, huh?”

“Yeah,” I whine. “And it’s not even two in the afternoon yet.” I rub my stomach. “I think I’m still full from yesterday.”

“So, what did you think?” Lincoln asks, his hand resting on my knee.

I smile. “I loved the Farm, Landry. Thank you for taking me for Thanksgiving.”

“My family is pretty awesome, huh?”

“Yeah,” I laugh. “I can’t imagine growing up with all of them. Was it as chaotic as I imagine?”

“Absolutely. There was always something happening, someone into something they shouldn’t be. It was a great way to grow up.” He stretches his neck before resting it against the sofa.

“I hope to have a family like yours someday.”

“Me too.” He draws a pattern on my knee that I can’t decipher. Over and over and over something is traced onto my skin. “What did you think about my sisters?”

“They were sweet. Sienna reminds me of you and Camilla needs a friend that isn’t a Landry.”

“I would recommend you, but she did suggest you be added as a Landry.” His gaze holds mine as I digest his insinuation.

“She’s crazy,” I whisper, feeling the weight of his words sitting on top of my heart.

“Is she, Dani? We’ve been exclusive since I walked off the elevator. You just didn’t know it.”

“You think so?”

“Oh, I know so,” he grins. “It’s been me and you from the start and that’s the way I want it to be. I want you to start staying at my house.”

I begin to object, to give him an opening to reassess. The pad of his finger touches my lips, effectively silencing me. “Dani, I mean it. I want you with me.”

“I want to be with you too.”

“I hear it. But what?”

“But I want to be careful we don’t rush this, Landry.”

“We aren’t rushing anything,” he insists. “We’re adults.” He takes my hand and presses a kiss to my knuckles. “We love each other, right?”

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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