Swear (Landry Family 4) - Page 35

“I spent an hour this morning arguing with Graham about a mug that was left in the sink last night,” she says, rolling her eyes. “I wouldn’t trade Graham for anyone in the world, but let me tell you, it’s not easy dating someone like him.”

“He’s pretty intense, right?”

“And high maintenance,” she laughs. “The man has to have everything done a certain way. His clothes have to be facing a specific way in the closet. Can you believe that?”

“You’re serious?”

“Yup, but I’m breaking him. Slowly.”

I think about her words as she jogs off to welcome a few customers. Ford certainly is complicated, but being with him is also so easy. It always has been. But maybe that means it’s so easy because there’s nothing too deep about it. Maybe it’s a sign that our lives will cross from time to time, but there’s nothing to put roots in.

Mallory’s hand lands on my shoulder, making me jump. “It’s about time to start class. But I wanted to give you one last piece of advice I’ve learned since I met Graham.”


“If you can walk away from Ford, do it. That means he’s not the one for you.”

My heart pulls at the thought of not seeing him again. It already hurts to think of going days, months, years again without having him in my orbit.

“In every other relationship I’ve ever had,” Mallory adds, “I’ve always felt like I could leave and survive if I wanted to. I know if I tried to leave Graham, he’d come after me. And I’d want him to. I’d need him to.”

With that, she heads to the front to greet her customers, and I’m left sitting on the mat to think.


THE LATE AFTERNOON SUN BEATS down, heating the interior of Graham’s SUV. I crank on the air conditioner and get a snarl from my brother.

“What is it with you and the AC?”

“It’s ninety degrees in here,” I say, pulling the collar away from my neck. “I’m sweating like a motherfucker.”

“Remind me to make you drive separately next time,” he laughs.

“I’d be happy to, especially since you failed to inform me you have a meeting after ours that I’m going to wait out.”

He looks at me over his shoulder. “I didn’t know about that until we got in the car. I’ve waited to talk to this guy for two weeks. You’re going to have to deal.”

A sign catches my eye and I squint through the sunlight. “Hey, Halcyon is like two streets over.”


“Drop me off there.”

Graham huffs. “Do you think I’m your dad? Like, ‘Hey, Graham. Take me here and then come back to pick me up’?”

“Would it kill you?” I deadpan.

On a dime, the SUV takes a right and heads north.

“Ah, thanks, G,” I grin.

“You can be such a child.”

“If it makes you feel any better,” I laugh as we take another right and pull up in front of Ellie’s store, “you’ve made this child very happy.”

“Get out of my car before I’m late,” he says, smiling. “I’ll text you when I’m on my way to get you.”

“Yes, Father.”

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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