Swear (Landry Family 4) - Page 36

“Asshole,” he mutters as I climb out and slam the door.

I jog the few paces to the front door, my heartbeat picking up. I tell myself it’s because of the burst of exertion, but I know better.

There’s been no exchange between us since I left he

r standing, covered in paint. It’s killed me not to call her or send her a text. Hell, it’s been nearly impossible not to just drive to her house and scoop her up and kiss the ever-loving fuck out of her.

I knew once I broke the barrier, things would change. Seeing her respond to me in such an intimate way, watching her put her guard down and let me in, only solidifies how I feel.

She’s mine.

Not in some mock-caveman way. It’s not like that at all. She’s mine because as much as she belongs with me, I belong with her. The catch is I’ve said a lot of stupid things, made a lot of promises, and set up a lot of things that I didn’t follow through on. She won’t trust my word. She shouldn’t. It’s up to me to show her who I am and how I feel.

That I love her.

The cool air of Halcyon hits me in the face as I step inside. Violet and Ellie are on the floor, sandwiches and chips in front of them.

“Hey, ladies,” I say, nodding quickly at Violet and then setting my sights on Ellie. A pair of cut-off denim shorts showcases her toned legs and a plain black tank top is stretched across her ample breasts. With her messy ponytail, she’s a sight I could watch for days.

“Hey, Ford,” Violet chirps.

“Hi.” Ellie smiles at me, absentmindedly combing a hand through her hair. Green smears are laced through the dark strands. I pretend not to notice.

“I hope you don’t mind me stopping by,” I say. “I was riding with Graham and he had a meeting. I thought I’d see if you ladies needed any help instead of waiting in the car for God knows how long.”

“We were just wrapping up lunch,” Violet says, mischief in her eyes. “I do hear you’re a good painter though.”

“Violet!” Ellie hisses, making us all laugh.

“That’s what she says, huh?” I tease.

“She did,” Violet continues, dodging a thrown water bottle from her friend. “She said—”

“Don’t you dare!” Ellie springs to her feet, a smile on her face. “Between the two of you, you embarrass me to no end.”

I pin my eyes to hers. “Baby, there is absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about.”

Her cheeks ratchet up a darker shade of pink. “Can we change the subject?”

“Yes,” Violet offers. “Let’s talk about that little smear of green paint on Ford’s forearm that conspicuously matches the green in your hair.”

Ellie charges back, threatening Violet, as I chuckle. Pulling my phone from my pocket, I see Sienna’s name on the screen.

I motion to them I need to take the call and head to the back. “Hello?”

“Hey, Ford! Are you busy?”

“It depends on what you want.”

“Well, I need a ride.”


She sighs dramatically into the line. “I rode with Camilla to get manicures and she went first. She was finished when I was just starting, so she said she was going to run a few errands and come back to get me. I can’t get her to even respond to my texts now, and I’m tired of sitting here. I’m only a few blocks from Landry Security, so I thought maybe you’d take pity on your baby sister and come get me.”

“You could walk,” I offer.

“It’s a hundred degrees out there!”

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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