Swear (Landry Family 4) - Page 47

His arms extend to the sides and I step into his personal space. He wraps me up, locking his hands at the small of my back, and kisses me again. I let my arms dangle off his shoulders and embrace the feeling of being encompassed by Ford.

His hands glide over the top of my butt and cup the underside of each cheek. I’m lifted up, and instinctively, I wind my legs around his waist. I grab his cock in my fist and pump it a few times. Ford’s eyes roll back in his head as he rewards me with a growl.

“Does that feel good?” I ask, knowing damn good and well it does.

“Not as good as this is going to feel.” He drops to his knees, making me yelp at the sudden change in position. I hang on to his neck as he leans forward, dropping me carefully onto my back.

As I settle back onto the floor, I’m met with a look from him that makes me almost combust.

The side of his lip

curls into a mischievous grin, the blues of his eyes looking deeper, darker as he hovers over me.

I think he’s going to kiss me, but he doesn’t. Instead, his lips find the side of my face. He trails a set of kisses from my cheek, across my jaw, and to my ear. Then he goes down my neck, drawing his tongue down my skin and then blowing on the wetness left behind.

I shiver, lifting my hips towards him.

A low chuckle rumbles from his chest as he continues his kisses and licks over my breasts.

His assault is heavenly. He treats my body like it’s a temple to be worshipped. Unrushed. Leisurely showing me how much he’s enjoying this.

Propping back up so he’s looking down at me, he smiles. “God, you’re beautiful.”

“You’re going to make me blush,” I giggle.

“I want to make you blush. And smile. And giggle like that. It’s the best sound I’ve ever fucking heard. Well, maybe it is. There’s one I’d like to compare it to.”

He maneuvers himself so that his length sits at my opening. I can feel the head of his cock teasing me, promising to split me in two.

“Please,” I beg, letting my knees fall to the side.

“Please what?”

“Please fuck me.”

He looks pleasantly startled. “I wasn’t expecting such a dirty mouth on such a pretty girl,” he jokes. “But I’d love to fuck you.” He moves his hips so his cock dips just a little farther into me. “How hard do you want it?”

“Hard enough that I can’t think of anything but you in the morning.”

“Baby,” he grins, “if I have my way, we’ll still be doing it in the morning.”

My response doesn’t come fast enough. Any thoughts I had are pushed away by the sensation of him sliding inside me. It’s a slow, sensual thrust, an inch of his rock-hard cock at a time gliding through my wetness.

His eyes are locked on mine, but I can’t keep them open. If I do, I think they’ll pop out from the surge of pressure vibrating through every piece of me.

Tilting my hips upward to meet his, he finally hits the back. Instead of pulling back and restarting the descent, he pauses. My body is full to the brim, stretched to a point that it’s almost, but not quite, uncomfortable.

I exhale a breath and open my eyes. He’s still watching me.

“Does that feel okay? You’re so tight, sweetheart,” he says quietly.

“It feels incredible,” I tell him. I cup his face in my hands and lose myself in his eyes. “Move. Please.”

He pulls back in the same, slow way he entered me before rocking his hips forward and filling me once more. With every push, then pull, I’m built higher and higher.

He moves from kissing me to caressing my breasts to kissing me again. My ankles lock behind his waist once more. He lifts my ass so that my shoulder blades are all that is touching the floor. His fingers dig into my hips, searing the flesh in the best possible way, as he guides my body on and off of his cock.

I feel the burn in my core, the flame taking on a life of its own. It spreads through my thighs, down my legs, through my stomach and up, up, up to my face.

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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