Swear (Landry Family 4) - Page 48

“Ford,” I cry out, meeting him thrust for thrust, “I’m going to come. I can’t take this much longer. Ah!”

He slams into me harder, the head of his dick pounding the back of my vagina. It’s relentless. Unyielding. And absolutely wonderful.

“Ford!” I almost scream as streaks of color swim over my vision. The flames inside me burn like a raging wildfire, and before I can say another word, an orgasm tears through me without warning.

My legs stiffen as I’m assaulted with the hardest, most spectacular climax of my life. My teeth clench, my body shakes, as Ford’s thumb massages my clit in smooth, small circles.

He continues sliding in and out until, as I’m coming back to Earth, he pulls out. His come sprays across my body, the warm liquid dotting my breasts and stomach.

I’m too tired to care, but not too tired to watch.

He’s so undeniably sexy with his head thrown back, mid-moan, his Adam’s apple popped in his throat. He grunts, my name laced in the sounds of his desire.

Finally, his hands drop to the side and his face pulls forward, grinning. “You okay?”

“I don’t know,” I say, pretending to consider the question. “You may have to do that one more time just to be sure.”

“I’d be happy to help you figure that out,” he laughs. “But I did realize I wasn’t wearing a condom,” he says, like he’s feeling me out to see if I’m angry or cool with it. “I have one in my wallet, but I . . . I honestly forgot about it.”

I let that sink in as I watch him search my face. “I’m clean. I mean, I just had my yearly and they test for everything.”

“Me too,” he grins. “Well, not my yearly, but I’m clean.”

“And I’m on the pill so we shouldn’t find ourselves in another situation.”

He gives me a strange look, one that I can’t quite read. Instead of trying to figure it out, I yawn.

“Although I’m starving, I think I need a nap,” I say, yawning again. Glancing at the clock over the mantle, I realize why. “It’s getting late. It’s almost ten.”

“Ten is late? You’re a wuss,” he laughs, standing and beginning to gather our discarded clothes.

“Are you a night owl?”

“I usually head to bed around one or so. I work a lot at night. Work out a lot after work. I have a system,” he laughs.

“Am I interrupting your system?”

He stops in the middle of picking up a shirt and looks at me. “You’re the best interruption I’ve ever had, Ellie.”

There’s no denying how I feel in this moment, no way to pretend the look he’s giving me doesn’t make me want to hit pause on life and stay right here for the rest of time.

“You want to order take-out?” I offer. “Otherwise, I’m going to have to get another shower, dry my hair, put on makeup—”

“You don’t have to do any of that to go out with me,” he says with a smile. “But I won’t say no to hanging out with you here and eating food from a box. I’d prefer it, actually.” He hangs his head to the floor. “I’m boring, I know.”

“Can I tell you a secret?” I ask, getting to my feet. “I’d rather stay home too.”


“Really.” I head down the hall, fully aware that he’s watching my ass. “I’m going to clean up. You figure out what’s for dinner.”

His chuckle follows me in the bathroom.


THE CEILING FAN WHIRLS AROUND, causing Ellie to shiver every now and then as we lie together in her bed. I use it as an excuse to bring her even closer to me. She doesn’t resist, just smiles in her sleep and repositions her face on my chest.

After a nap, a pizza delivery, a shower, followed by round two, we both fell asleep. It’s now nearing eight in the morning. I don’t know what time she usually gets up, but I know there’s no way I’m going to disturb her.

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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