Swear (Landry Family 4) - Page 51

“Good to fucking know.”

She shakes her head. “That’s part of the problem, Ford. I don’t know how much of this is just some kind of hold-over emotion from a carefree time in our lives and how much of it is real.”

“You don’t think this is real?”

“I don’t know,” she breathes. “I hope it is. But before I go jumping in this with you—whatever that even means—I need to know this isn’t something we’re doing on a whim.”

“Even if it is, and it’s not, what would be wrong with that, El? We’re two adults that want to spend time together.”

“Spending time together is fine. I quite enjoy spending time with you,” she adds cheekily. “But none of that changes where I want us to go. Not right now.”

“Ellie, I want to—”

“Your knight awaits!” A voice, a very male voice, booms from the entryway.

My gaze snaps from Ellie to the doorway, back to a wide-eyed Ellie. “Who in the hell is that?” I ask.

“Where are you?” he shouts again, his voice much closer. “Ellie?” The last syllable wraps around the doorway as he steps into view. He takes me in and stops dead in his tracks. “And who are you?”

“I was going to ask you the same thing,” I warn.

“Hey, Heath!” Ellie’s voice is too loud, too chipper, to be believable. “How are you?”

“Um, I’m okay,” he draws out, still looking at me. “Confused. But good. Maybe getting better, depending . . .”

“Want to make some introductions?” I ask, my brows raised.

“Heath, this is Ford Landry. Ford, this is Heath Breckenmeir, my friend that obviously doesn’t realize the key he has is for emergencies only.” She glares his way.

“He has a key?”

“For emergencies,” they say in unison.

I take in my opponent. He’s thin, too thin to be able to put up much of a fight. He’s wearing wire-rimmed glasses and his black hair is more perfectly styled than any man I’ve ever seen. Then he smiles. Wide.

A phone rings in another room and Ellie’s hand smacks her forehead. “Could this timing be any worse?”

“I’m kind of appreciating it right about now,” I note.

“I’m definitely appreciating it,” Heath snickers. “Go get the phone, Ellie.”

“Why don’t you answer it?” Her voice is almost a plea, which makes his snicker turn into an all-out laugh.

“Oh, no, sweetheart,” Heath grins. “This is your problem. I’ll stay right here with Ford.”

I cringe at the term of endearment, my fists balling at my side. “Go on, sweetheart,” I say pointedly to her.

She looks on the verge of panic, but as the ringing starts again, she throws her hands up, mumbles something under her breath, and storms out. Once she’s out of sight, Heath moseys my way.

“I’m just here to go with her to a few wholesalers today,” he tells me. “So while that alpha-male posturing you’re doing right now is so fucking hot, you can ease up a little.”

I don’t respond.

“Or not. For the record, I’m really, really gay.”

“Good to know.”

“Heath!” Ellie’s voice shouts from the kitchen. “Will you come here for a second?”

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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