Swear (Landry Family 4) - Page 56

It’s me now that’s reaching across the table and placing my hand over his. It shakes beneath mine, the skin loose and cool against my own.

“She’s hard-headed as hell,” he laughs nervously. “She’s stubborn just like me. When she’s difficult, I just focus on that heart of hers and the eyes that remind me so much of Gloria.”

“She’s a lot like her mama,” I say, withdrawing my hand. “But it’s the parts of you in her that make her who she is.”

He grins, wiping his hand down his face. “I know she’s irritated with you and I know I’ve just dumped a load of shit on your lap. That’s probably not right of me to jump into this with you just walking in the door.”

“I’m honored you’d think enough of me to have this conversation.”

“You’re the only one I’d have it with.”

“That means the world to me, sir,” I nearly whisper.

“I was hoping you’d come back. Even after all these years, I still had my hopes pinned on you.”

“I had mine pinned on her,” I grin.

He searches my eyes, as if he’s trying to find the thread of dishonesty. Finally, he takes a long drink from a plastic cup.

“Mr. Pagan—Bill,” I correct myself, “I know it might seem out of left field . . .” I look him dead in the eyes. “You have my word that Ellie will always have someone watching out for her.”

“You mean that?”

“I wouldn’t have given you my word if I didn’t.”

The relief that leaves his body is evident. His shoulders drop and I think for a moment he might slide out of his chair.

“You have no idea what that means to me, Ford.” He takes another drink, this time the cup shaking just a bit. “You love her, don’t ya?”

“With every ounce of my being. As a matter of fact,” I say, squirming a little in my chair, “I was wondering if I can manage to convince her at some point to marry me. How you feel about that?”

His eyes light up. “Are you thinking that way?”

“I’ve thought that way since the first time I saw her. I should’ve done it years ago, but ‘young and dumb,’ as you say. Would that be okay with you? I mean, I have to get a plan together or else she’ll say no for the hell of it,” I laugh.

With pride as wide as the Grand Canyon, he laughs. “That sounds about right.” He extends his hand and I take it in mine. “If it comes to that, you have my blessing. And I hope to God it does.”

"Me too."

"Can I ask you for your word on one more thing?"


"Please don't tell her about my sickness."

"Yes, sir," I say warily.

We shake hands, but exchange something far deeper than a simple handshake at his kitchen table.

Bill clears his throat. “Been fishing lately?”

I settle back in my seat and find a story to distract him from his life for just a little while.


“ELLIE! THERE’S A DELIVERY GUY here to see you!”

Violet’s words ring through Halcyon, startling me as I daze off in space. It’s not something I do regularly; most times I’m completely focused on the task at hand. Most times, I guess, I’m not coming off of a few days with Ford.

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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