Swear (Landry Family 4) - Page 57

The last few days have been incredible and not just for the sex, although that’s been the reason I’ve been late to work every day since our first official date night. He’s been sweet, considerate—everything I could want him to be.

If it were anyone else, it would be trying too hard. But it’s Ford. With his disarming smile and authenticity surrounding him like a shield, there’s no way to take it any other way than he wants me to be happy.

The words that come out of my mouth and the things I do don’t match up. I tell him I can’t see him the next day because I know I shouldn’t. But when he sends a text for lunch, my fingers just type out three little letters. When he shows up at the store when I’m ready to walk out, I get in his car. I know I’m getting in far too deep too fast and it’ll probably bite me in the ass, but for right now, I’m wearing waders and hoping for the best.

Turning the corner, I start laughing. “Is that for me?”

“Are you Ellie Pagan?”

“I am.”

“Then these are for you.”

Giggling, I take the items from him. There are two fishing poles—one long and one short—and a tackle box that’s heavy. “Thank you.”

He laughs too. “Honey, if you’re into fishing and it doesn’t work out with whoever sent these, you know where I work.”

“I’ll remember that,” I say, nodding as he waves and exits the building.

“He sent you fishing stuff?” Violet asks. “That’s . . . unique.”

My cheeks ache from smiling. “That’s Ford,” I say simply. “He’s thorough.”

“I can tell,” she snorts. “You’ve been smiling like that for a while now. And for the record, it’s been fun to watch.”

“Thanks, Vi.”

“You’re welcome. Now put your survival gear in the back and help me move this shelving unit.”

“Be right back.” I stroll to the back and put the gifts against the wall. But, before I go help Violet, I whip out my phone. He answers on the second ring. “Hey, you.”

“Hey, pretty girl,” he says, his voice kissed with the same easy joy I feel in my gut. “How are you doing today?”

“I just got a delivery.”

“You did, huh?”

“I did. It looks like someone wants to take me for some fun in the great outdoors.”

“I like the way you phrased that,” he laughs.

“I like it too. Maybe we can make that happen.”

A flurry of papers being moved trickles through the phone and I hear another man’s voice.

“If you need to go, that’s fine,” I offer.

“Yeah, I do. My father is here to go over some family stuff,” he sighs. “Can I call you in a little bit?”

“Sure. Have fun!”

“Not until it’s in the great outdoors,” he teases. “Talk to you soon.”


With a final glance at the gifts in the corner, I skip out of the room to help Violet.


Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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