Swear (Landry Family 4) - Page 58

THE FARM IS LIT UP like it only is when everyone is home. It’s really not about the lights, it’s like there’s a glow, an excitement, when all of us are in the same place at once.

I park my truck next to Barrett’s SUV. Before I can climb out, I get a text.

Ellie: Have fun with your family tonight. I will just cuddle with my new fishing lures.

Me: You can come if you want. I’ll come get you right now. Just say the word.

Ellie: I’m good. Thanks. ;) Me and the lures will watch some trash television.

Me: Text me if you change your mind.

Ellie: I will. But I won’t.

Me: I’d rather be in the outdoors with you.

Ellie: Me too. The lures are smelly. Now go do your family stuff.

Me: Grr . . . Bye.

Ellie: Bye. <3

As I get out of the truck, I see Troy standing next Barrett’s SUV in a navy blue suit. My buddy from the military, now Barrett’s personal security guy, grins when he sees me.

“Long time no see!” He pulls me in for a quick hug. “How are you, Ford?”

“I’m good, man. How are you? How’s my brother treating you?”

“Things are good,” he s

ays. “We’re all getting adjusted to the new routine of the Governor’s mansion.” His laugh permeates the warm evening air. “Can you believe I’m working in the Governor’s mansion?”

I shrug. “I don’t know why the hell not?”

“I owe you, Ford,” he says, all laughter gone from his voice. “Without you and your family, I don’t know what would’ve happened to me.”

“I told you things work out.”

“Yeah, but not like this. You took my life and turned it on a dime. I just . . . Every day I wake up and put on a suit and think, ‘What the fuck?’” he laughs. “It’s unreal.”

I head to the steps. “Just be thankful Graham didn’t find you before Barrett or this conversation would be much, much different.”

Troy laughs, his voice trailing behind me as I step inside the Farm. It almost feels like Christmas walking in and hearing everyone’s voices. We used to do this a lot. Now it’s harder to do with everyone striking out on their own, living in different places, having their own commitments.

“Hey, Ford!” My mother wipes her hands on a towel and greets me with a kiss on both cheeks. “How are you, handsome?”

“Good. Man, it’s loud in here,” I laugh, holding an arm out for Huxley. He wraps his arms around my side. “How are you, Hux?”

“I’m good,” he grins up at me. “Did you see Lincoln’s baby?”

Tugging his Arrows hat over his eyes, I laugh. “I did. He’s cute, huh?”

“Yeah.” Huxley takes off across the room, plopping in a giant beanbag my mom bought him and picks up an electronic of some sort.

Surveying the room as I head to the kitchen, I see everyone but Camilla.

“Hey!” Barrett greets me. “Shit, Ford. I think you get bigger every time I see you.”

“That’s what she said,” Lincoln cracks.

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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