Swink (Landry Family 5) - Page 55

“He definitely doesn’t,” Sienna agrees. “It’s Graham, Mal. Everything has to go on his time. At his pace.”

“On his schedule,” I add. “Maybe he’s scared. He’s never really done the serious girlfriend thing before.”

“Maybe he doesn’t want that with me,” she says. “I see everyone in your family getting married, having babies, and I just want to be a part of that. I watch Dani with Ryan and I get . . .”

“Baby fever?” Joy offers.

“Yeah. That.”

“I think the Landry boys do that to everyone. Sorry. Again, no offense,” Joy adds.

“None taken,” Mallory sighs. “I know he loves me. He bought this place for me. We’re married in every way that counts . . .”

“Except for the one that does,” I finish. “I’m sorry, Mal. Want me to talk to him?”

“No,” she says, getting up. “I don’t. I just need to stop feeling sorry for myself and enjoy what I have.” She flashes us a smile that’s only mildly happier than her frown. “I have another class to teach. Talk to you guys later.”

“I have to go too,” Joy says. “I need a shower after all that visualizing.”

“You’re so gross,” I say as she and Sienna trade goodbyes. Once she’s gone, my twin looks at me.

“What are you doing today?” she asks.

Pulling my legs together like a butterfly, I shrug. “I don’t know. I need to go by Dom’s in a little bit and grab my laptop. I left it over there and I need it to send a few emails about the charity thing coming up.?


“How’d it go yesterday? You didn’t call so I was afraid to ask.”

“The actual meal didn’t go too bad . . .”

“What’s wrong, Swink?”

“I don’t know. I just . . . Dom said some things that bothered me.”

“What about?”

I look at my sister. Her eyes reflect my concern. “A lot of things. Me. Him. Us.”

“You didn’t break up because you’re not in bed crying.”

“No,” I chuckle. “We didn’t. I don’t think. I mean, we didn’t talk much when he did call because he had Ryder and was distracted. But he seemed fairly normal and insinuated he’d see me today.”

We exchange a look.

“Let me give you a ride over there,” she offers. “That way if things aren’t all abs and awesome, I can take you home. And if they are, I can leave you and you can figure out how to get home on your own.”

Standing up, I laugh. “Abs and awesome?”

She stands too and tosses an arm over my shoulder. “Are there two better words to describe Dominic?”

As we head into the sunshine and towards her SUV, I concede. “No, I guess not.”

My knock is light, not sure if Ryder is awake or asleep, and also because I’m a little less enthusiastic about being here than I was. Dom’s car isn’t outside. That was a little deflating. I shot him a text that I would be here, but didn’t hear back.

As I’m ready to tell Sienna we should just go, the door flies open. Nate is on the other side, his face breaking into a smile as he sees us. “It’s not every day you open the door and see not one but two beautiful women on your doorstep.”

“How are you?” I grin.

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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